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The Great Big UGC & Cinema Thread


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Originally posted by Beakerzoid

If you were to present two cards, one for another person, what is to say that you haven't stolen that card, or are using it for someone who it doesn't belong to? Same way that you cannot use a credit or bank card belonging to someone else.

You work for a cinema, not a bank. I never go to a bank to make "group withdrawals", but when I go to the cinema with anyone else we almost always buy our tickets in a group, rather than going up one-by-one to present our cards and collect tickets. Your analogy is ridiculous.


The Showroom have a membership scheme, and I've often gone in to buy advance tickets for my wife and myself, as we both have membership, but they've never once insisted that she come along with me to buy tickets.


Have to say that I've never had a problem with parking at UGC/Cineworld though. There's always loads of space around the back.

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There is a difference between BUYING tickets in a group, or trying to get FREE tickets on a subscription card. The showroom card is a discount scheme, not a FREE TICKET scheme. There is no comparison. If the SHowroom don't care about fraudulant use of the cards, fair enough for them. We have over 4000 subscribers in the Sheffield area alone - thats a lot of possibility for being scammed - thus we care about the possibility of being ripped off!


The Unlimited card is bound by a legal contract due to the DIRECT DEBIT nature of the card. Because of this it needs to ahve a method to ID the person who is using the card. Thus, the photo ID. To use someone elses card is fraud....much as using someone elses credit card is fraud. The person whose card it is has to be present to collect them to ensure that the correct person is redeeming tickets. If not then you could sign up, and give the card to all your mates whenever they want to go the pictures.


No we are not a bank, but we still process a lot of transactions per day, and run the risk of fraud in the same way (believe it or not we have to pay the distributers for every Unlimited card seat processed - if we were to allow fraud to take place, the cards would get used so much that we would be out of pocket in no time.)


I realise that some people genuinely do want to get tickets for partners etc. To those, I apologise, but we cannot make exceptions because some people will take advantage (and many have tried, with various scams such as "I lost my ticket - I'm an Unlimited customer can I get another", to which I said yes, then stood outsiode the screen to check his and his mates ticket - one less Unlimited card holder!) Because of these people who mess it up, the rest have to suffer (at least until the day that the con-men and women have neon signs telling us that they are scamming us).

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It used to be better when they examined your Unlimited card at the point of detaching half of the ticket outside the screen, rather than at point of sale. Then you could get tickets without having all the people present, and this problem didn't exist :thumbsup:


Any chance you can go back to this method ?

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Would love to, however it is tricky keep on top of tearing tickets on doors 1-7 at the best of times, let alone waiting for people to get their cards out. Unlimted customers used to account for no more than 4% of our daily admissions when we used to do this, it was no problem. Now they account for between 23 and 30%....harder to keep up with.


If we could be sure that everyone would have their cards out, it would work fine, but you would be surprised at how many people wait until they are at the door anyway before getting their tickets out of their bag/purse/wallet/"ooh, its in one of these pockets somewhere!" This is something you see in all service based industry (such as McDonalds where people will look at the price list, sort out their cash, get to the till, close the purse, put it away, order, wait for the price, then rummage through their purse again.)

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UGC is the MOTHER of all cinemas!!! Do not disrespect the greatness that is ugc! Shes a harsh mistress at times Ill openly admit but she TOTALLY turns me on :hihi: haha and WHAT is the crack wit this "cineworld" family!!

I dont go to the cinemas to have the staff be "nice" to me asking me "nieley" to pick up the popcorn i just dropped! I want those nazi control freaks wit emo geggs that once controlled UGC! The ones who dont just mosey on over but MARCH up those stairs with DETERMINED LOOKS on their faces! The kind of staff that say "EXCUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, but are you the ones doing ALL the laughing? Cos i work here and Ill take you down to the lobby and have you thrown out......if i hear ONE MORE GIGGLE!!!"

Ya know wot i mean? :thumbsup: hows bout we put the FUN back into cinema going and you bring back UGC! I wanna get screamed at for "running up and down the stairs" I wanna get pointed at by bald guys who run out to complain about us and say "its them over there....and the two in front" ...i wanna get thrown into the party room and told im BAD!! and that i cant have a refund cos the Nazi regeme orders against it!! I WANT UGC *cries*

yup this is a weird fetish of mine, yes im totally in love with ugc (who is infact the sexier cinema ive ever ran up the escelaters in) and YES! I AM IN FACT A TOTAL CINEMA OBSESSED FREAK....but i dont care...im perverted....and i like it....and im gunna obsess over it...cos...well....cos..i pay my damn money for this privelage and i will abuse it wherever possible!! :loopy: haha for those of you still with us i would just like to offer this plea for my sanity and say



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Originally posted by DanSumption

Have to say that I've never had a problem with parking at UGC/Cineworld though. There's always loads of space around the back.


i think most people are too bone idle nowadays to walk round. but it does get VERY busy on Fri/Sat/Sun nights, its mental actually. I usually go in the week when its as quiet as a mouse.

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