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The Great Big UGC & Cinema Thread


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UGC has focused on what is important over the last 3 years.




That is what they wanted to do when they took over from Virgin. As Branson had set up too many 'frilly' options to the cinema going experience.


This is why UGC has grown up to be one of the strongest cinema chains in terms of market share.


What we offer (leg room, film choice, great atmosphere) still knocks most cinemas into a cocked hat, that is why we you will continue to come to us.

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Originally posted by cinemanager

UGC has focused on what is important over the last 3 years.




That is what they wanted to do when they took over from Virgin. As Branson had set up too many 'frilly' options to the cinema going experience.


This is why UGC has grown up to be one of the strongest cinema chains in terms of market share.


What we offer (leg room, film choice, great atmosphere) still knocks most cinemas into a cocked hat, that is why we you will continue to come to us.


And yet you still abuse your potential audience. How odd. Is this another example of dumbing down services to appeal to the lowest common denominator?


Clean up your act, make cinemas more attractive and you may get people back.


Edit: Oops, just seen your avatar, didn't mean to insult you.

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Basically like saying 'for your convenience (love that phrase :rolleyes:) we have taken all the fun out of the movie-going experience, and cut our costs, while still maintaining the ticket prices'.


Sadly, that is just a buzz phrase 'its all about FILM'.


It's rubbish, it isn't all about the film, its about the experience, and that is what is missing from these large chains. Look at the time when most people watched films in the cinema, there were competitions, prizes, the ushers wore real uniforms and were polite, and the places were like palaces, not a barn with a screen. That is obviously what people really wanted, it didn't matter so much what the film was, they enjoyed the experience, it was a night out.


I know times change, but don't pretend that large companies like UGC do things for our benefit, when they really do whatever is most cost-effective to them... and like I said before, this is coming from someone who really quite likes UGC.

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Just because you like UGC doesn't mean you are necessarily right!!!!


I started to work at UGC because I loved that particular cinema so much... They have their priorities spot on with seating, etc... You can sit anywhere you like in the screen and still not have your view marred by people's heads, you have loads of leg room and the seats aren't those fold-down ones yousee elsewhere. If a company were so money driven, they would want to maximise the capacity of their screens by having little leg room, fold down seats... and they wouldn't put on films such as Napoleon Dynamite or 2046 that other mainstream cinemas dont put on.


We are all very nice people at UGC, and I personally would go out of my way to help any customer there! But some people take the absolute p*ss out of us... over the last 2 weeks I've had to sort out a sh*tty toilet where someone had not only not bothered to flush the chain but got all the soiled bog roll all over the floor, I've picked up and consequently put my finger in a cup of urine where someone couldn't be bothered to go out to the loo... and cleaned up numerous lots of vomit.


At the end of the day, we are there to make your day at the cinema as easy and stress-free as possible, but in no circumstances am I anybody's servant!!!


Don't take what is said on this forum as the gospel, we aren't at work now and are just defending the place that we are so proud about

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Originally posted by Snook

Basically like saying 'for your convenience (love that phrase :rolleyes:) we have taken all the fun out of the movie-going experience, and cut our costs, while still maintaining the ticket prices'.


Sadly, that is just a buzz phrase 'its all about FILM'.


It's rubbish, it isn't all about the film, its about the experience, and that is what is missing from these large chains. Look at the time when most people watched films in the cinema, there were competitions, prizes, the ushers wore real uniforms and were polite, and the places were like palaces, not a barn with a screen. That is obviously what people really wanted, it didn't matter so much what the film was, they enjoyed the experience, it was a night out.


I know times change, but don't pretend that large companies like UGC do things for our benefit, when they really do whatever is most cost-effective to them... and like I said before, this is coming from someone who really quite likes UGC.


what you don't seem to grasp is that it is because UGC trimmed down what they offer 'within' each cinema that they can now focus on film. I can tell you that the distributors have taken hold of what we are doing, especially with the Unlimited card and are working with us. We can give the distributors more market share by focusing on independent films and not just blockbusters.


We actually lose money on Unlimited cards, but they make up a solid core of audience which still come even though there isn't any blockbuster crap to watch. This is what makes us a cut above everyone else. This is why we are focused on film more than any other chain.


What potential audience are you refering to?


I don't expect you guys to know what UGC is really about, and we can debate it one here till we're all blue in the face. But I will guarantee you that FILM is what we do focus on, and it's because we want you to be able to see a wider choice of film than any other chain offers, this is what nakes us unique.


I have been to many many film meetings with distruibutors and they are over the moon that UGC not only focus on non-mainstream films but actually deliver the goods when we say we will.


We are now in the 21st Century and we have to give what the audience want, big screens, great seating, plenty of film/time choice. But you know what, you can't please all the people all of the time can you.


Again, a cinema is a business always has been always will be.


I am happy that you enjoy coming to UGC, and we all welcome you as our guests.

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Originally posted by cinemanager

How much more attractive do you want us to be?


Stop concentrating on the film and look at the cinema going experience holistically. If people want to eat smelly, noisy food let them do it in the foyer. Stop people bringing food into the auditorium and you'll improve the experience for the rest of us who can distinguish between a cinema and a restaurant, imo.

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Originally posted by cinemanager

what you don't seem to grasp is that it is because UGC trimmed down what they offer 'within' each cinema that they can now focus on film. I can tell you that the distributors have taken hold of what we are doing, especially with the Unlimited card and are working with us. We can give the distributors more market share by focusing on independent films and not just blockbusters.


We actually lose money on Unlimited cards, but they make up a solid core of audience which still come even though there isn't any blockbuster crap to watch. This is what makes us a cut above everyone else. This is why we are focused on film more than any other chain.


What potential audience are you referring to?


I don't expect you guys to know what UGC is really about, and we can debate it one here till we're all blue in the face. But I will guarantee you that FILM is what we do focus on, and it's because we want you to be able to see a wider choice of film than any other chain offers, this is what nakes us unique.


I have been to many many film meetings with distruibutors and they are over the moon that UGC not only focus on non-mainstream films but actually deliver the goods when we say we will.


We are now in the 21st Century and we have to give what the audience want, big screens, great seating, plenty of film/time choice. But you know what, you can't please all the people all of the time can you.


Again, a cinema is a business always has been always will be.


I am happy that you enjoy coming to UGC, and we all welcome you as our guests.


Well, we aren't so much your guests as paying customers. You make it sound like we should be grateful you let us through the doors.


You can say that FILM is what is important as many times as you want, bless, and you were probably told that on your week long managerial course, but (sorry to shatter your dream here) it isn't... profit is king. If it was PROFITABLE to have a restaurant and gift shop and all the other things, they would still be there... screw the films.


I don't mind that these things were taken away to raise the profit margins, but don't insult me by telling me it was done for my good, and the good of FILM. And yes, I think you do want to show a wider range of films, because in recent years you have seen a growth in the market share to indie theatres, and you want a cut. You might not understand these things, as you are a man on the ground, but that is the motivation behind the people in charge of your company, trust me.

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see if UGC cared about their customers they would employ more staff and train them properly. Pay them more and you get more intellegent staff who would be more likely to work.


It's nothing to do with caring about FILM or the punters its all about cramming the most people into the most films efficiently.

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Originally posted by max

Stop concentrating on the film and look at the cinema going experience holistically. If people want to eat smelly, noisy food let them do it in the foyer. Stop people bringing food into the auditorium and you'll improve the experience for the rest of us who can distinguish between a cinema and a restaurant, imo.


the things that winds me up the most when i goto the cinema - is people that whinge about everthing !


Its people that buy food that keep the prices of your ticket down, rember that.

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