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Anyone remember judge pickles?


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Many years ago a man was found guilty of his crime in judge pickles court. The mans barrister pleaded for a lenient sentence and quoted how the prisons are allready full to capacity. Pickles is reputed to have replied "if i have my way it will be three in a bed instead of three in a cell" A lot of people jailed by pickles had their sentence reduced by up to half on appeal.


i can remember Judge pickles actor daughter was in the bill and emmerdale.

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  • 2 weeks later...
"hanging" Judge Pickles was what he was known as 20/ 30 yrs ago.


He was reknowned for the severity of the sentencing he handed out,


Part of me feels that if more judges had been as "keen" as him, then maybe criminals would have been dissuaded from going back into crime...


Just as an aside, I understand that Carolyn Pickles, the actress who played Alan Turner's recently vanished "love interest" in Emmerdale is Judge Pickles' daughter.


Judge Pickles' uncle was the old-time radio and TV star, Wilfred Pickles.



I alway's thought he was known as the " FIVE'S AND THREE'S " Judge :suspect: .
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