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What did your school report say about you ?

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Mine said : jay when he can be botherd to come to school is an excellent pupil allways the last one in and the first one out even before the bells rung . Apart from being lazy , selfish , arregant , moody , nasty , spitefull , he's been a star pupil and a credit to the school . We cant see jay amounting to much in his choosen careear or if he does were sure he'll end up behind bars . . . . . Oh how they where wrong :hihi:

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One of my year reports said "Joan seems to lack confidence when faced with figures":gag:True....

In my leaving report the only Excellents I have are for Courtesy, Attendance and Punctuality

I did get however, "Sets a high standard of conduct for others to follow"

Phew....that's alright then:thumbsup:

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My reports were all excellent (head swells), they were all along the lines of "wish all the children were like Claire", not that I was a swot, I just knew how to play the system! I used to get embarrased when my friends looked at them but now my kids are getting very similar reports and I couldn't be any prouder!

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