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What did your school report say about you ?

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My form tutor said about both me and my best mate out punctuality was reasonable which in other words meant. Reg in the whole school year has never been here for the beginning of one of my registration periods, though now I just accept this as the norm and mark him as on time, the kind lady that I am. I thought his punctuality may have improved when week after week he was left standing at the back of the school hall when coming in late for assembly, though this does not seem to bother him in the slightest. I have now given up on trying to get Reg to come in at the correct time and accept 8:45am is just to early for him and he will be in school for lessons starting at 9:15am.

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In February 1962, just before I reached 13, my 11 year old brother was hit by a lorry and killed. Not so long ago I came across my school report for July of that year. It said words to the effect (Godzilla's) work has deteriorated markedly over the latter part of this year. She'll need to pay more attention and apply herself in future if she's to succeed.


No mention of the fact that the equivalent of a hand-grenade had been thrown into our family. My sister's report said that she'd become cheeky and disruptive. No acknowledgement of why that might have been.

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The only report I can remember offhand without trawling through my box of school stuff went something like: `I would like to say that Ray tries hard, but unfortunately Im unable to on account of the fact that he is a lazy, feckless child who could do so much better if only he could refrain from messing around in class and tormenting staff and pupils. Telling him to try harder means to him, mess around more in class`.



Mr Lupton, 1969 :D

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Still got mine!

This was my year 3 English report! (Year nine to you younger ones!)

"Edna is a gem! Spelling aside (!) Edna excels in all areas in English. Her oral work is mature and forthright and her contributions are always balanced and perceptive. Her written work too displays a good sense of humour and a determination to tackle topics in depth. However, her vocabulary can lapse into slang on occasion! Anyday now I am expecting her first novel to come out. "


Lol -reading through the common theme of other reports - it also says that I'm really good at distracting others. oops!

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One of mine read (for one subject, class of 32):

Position in term work -- 31st =

Position in examination - 1st

Comment "This is ludicrous"

I must have had something like ADD (but it hadn't been invented then), and always forgot to do my homework.

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