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What did your school report say about you ?

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The only comment I really remember was from my German teacher, who said "It is a shame [starSparkle] shows absolutely no interest in this subject" :P



"The Lord commonly gives riches to foolish people, to whom he gives nothing else" Martin Luther



Just shows how wrong your German teacher was then StarSparkle. After all, your signature is a quote from a German!

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My form tutor said about both me and my best mate out punctuality was reasonable which in other words meant. Reg in the whole school year has never been here for the beginning of one of my registration periods, though now I just accept this as the norm and mark him as on time, the kind lady that I am. I thought his punctuality may have improved when week after week he was left standing at the back of the school hall when coming in late for assembly, though this does not seem to bother him in the slightest. I have now given up on trying to get Reg to come in at the correct time and accept 8:45am is just to early for him and he will be in school for lessons starting at 9:15am.


Love it!


This was similar to me - I'm not good at being an early riser, and one year in particular stands out, as there was barely a day when I wasn't late into class. I just used to breeze in 10 mins after everyone else, and my form teacher (who had long given up expecting any different), just dutifully filled in the 'Late' box on the class register.


There was a rueful comment as to this behaviour on my school report that year :P



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My Geography teacher really slated me, said I'd never amount to nothing and was a complete waster.


Next page, English "Navigator often appears to be the voice of reason in a rowdy class"


And all my other subjects were in similar vein..


God I hated Geography lol..

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  • 4 years later...
Although it was a long time ago since I went to school, I have actually saved my last school report. It says :



Patricia is excellent at English Language and English Literature, and is our star pupil in both these subjects. However,she distracts the whole class by chattering to her friends during lessons.She also acts the clown on numerous occasions. I can see no future for her if she does not calm down.




Funnily enough I am exactly the same now as I was then.:hihi::hihi:


What did your school report say about you ?


Bringing this old but interesting thread back I would add a further fault to my OP. I never let anyone get a word in edgeways !!! Ive got to listen more and not butt in.:roll:

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..... trys very hard but never gets anyware.

however, he's a very pleasant boy to talk to and act very mature for his age.

Just a bit useless in everything else :(




.... is very trying most of the time

If only ....... would talk to the othe little shts more, perhaps they wouldn't kick the sht out of him???


Lovely time I had at Stocksbridge wnk school.

Yes, the only place where teenage boys compared penis size in the showers, whipped eath other on this ass with a wet towel, then acused every other boy of been a qay because he didn't have a deep voice at 9 years old lol.


small villages eh????

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