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The history of the Boardwalk building


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I wondering if anyone has any information regarding the Boardwalk. I know it used to be called the Mucky Duck, The complete Angler and the Black Swan in the 80's but does anyone know what it was called before and after that time. Also I believe it was blitzed in the second world war is there any truth in this. And lastly what was the building before it became a pub. Any help or information would be great thank you.:)

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Hi Bikertec,

The original Black Swan was there in 1774, and the only info about the war was that the pub suffered damage, but continued to trade as a single story pub.

Just after it was completely rebuilt with a concert room, it became a mecca for local bands in the 60s, when it had been renamed as the compleat angler.

After it's rebuild there was always a large stone sculpture of a black swan in front of the entrance, and locals used to call the place the mucky duck as an affectionate nickname, however after the days as the compleat angler, the official name became the mucky duck.

In 1996 or 7 Herbie Armstrong and his partners reopened the venue as a modern music venue as the boardwalk, Herbie is a relatively well known musiscian, and has troubled the charts in the 70s with a song "Please let me stay", and has played guitar with Van Morrison. His mate was the guy who wrote Under The Boardwalk, and that's why they used the name for the venue.

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The building was built as a pub.


The bar underneath was originally called the Old Brewery Tap, which apparently did well in the swinging 60s with people who were waiting to go in to the gigs upstairs.


In the 60s it also had the names merry england bar, and dive bar.


In the 80s I remember it being Alfredo's barber shop(or part of it at least).


And more recently it has been under the boardwalk, which until last year became a heavy rock haven with the old crowd and DJ from the Wap. But it has changed it's name again recently to something more modern, and I haven't been since

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Thats Fantastic thank you my friend I do remember most of what you said as from the 80's but not before that date.:thumbsup:


Found the pub dating back to 1700's


Transcript of the entry of "professions and trades"

for SHEFFIELD in Baines's Directory and Gazetteer Directory of 1822.


List of Streets, &c. in Sheffield, in 1700,

Crich John, victualler, Black Swan Inn, Snighill

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I went past there today and its a law representation place, for people who have just been arrested and taken to West Bar by the looks of it.

Good location I suppose, shame about change of use.

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Originally posted by goldenfleece

The downstairs bar, aka Undere the Boardwalk, Old Brewery Tap, etc has been TO LET for some months now, and no takers. Inside is in awful condition though.....dont think that will re-open again....

We were in there saturday night and the place is in very good condition clean tidy and could be opened at any time if needed to be. (Wasn't open to the public) and no it hasn't been opened as a law representation place, for people who have just been arrested and taken to West Bar.


What I am after is any information on the history of the pub.

Thank you.

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The Lawyers office is next door further up the road.Never went in Under The Boardwalk when it was Merrie England bar or Old Brewery Tap, but I did venture into the COMPLEAT ANGLER (Black Swan) in 1979.....and HATED it. In those days it was wall to wall trendies, pikeys. I remember that they DID NOT like men with long hair!!! Me and my girldfriend at the time went in after Superman at the ABC on a Friday night, just for a quick pint as it was too far to walk to the Wapentake before the last bus. We got a lot of rude comments about being "long haired ******" or "eff'ing hippies".



It filled up with the "New Romantic" crowd in 1980/1, and was still a scary place on a weekend night if you were a rocker. Never been in since......

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Right spent sometime in the reference library today there has been 3 Black swans on Snigg hill since the early 1700's the first one being at the bottom of the hill being no 1 then was moved to a larger property half way up the hill, and finally ending up where it is today as the boardwalk. In the blitz of 1940 the Black swan and buildings surrounding it took direct hits and were demolished could not find out about any deaths though.


Anymore information regarding the history I would be greatful.

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Hi Bikertec, there is a book available in WH Smiths called 'Not Like A Proper Job' by John Firminger and Martin Lilleker, which has the story of music in Sheffield from 1955 - 1975. There is quite a lot mentioned about The Boardwalk so it might be worth a look.

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