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Pitsmoor in the Thirties and Forties.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Taffy,

catching up with messages after Xmas/New Year away from my PC - in Sheffield actually with my relations up there. Sorry, but none of the people you mention ring a bell with me - maybe wrong vintage? - I left Gower St in early 40's, does that help? Cheers

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Hi Sputnikboy - sorry for delay in answering - I've just gathered my wits (what's left of them!!) after being away (in Sheffield) over Xmas/New Year. I have contacted Glen who tells me that you are her brother. As I have said elsewhere, My memories of Petre St and the time I lived there are very hazy and I have to say that I remember your Rex and Glenda more clearly than you. Maybe you were younger than us? Anyway, contact Glenda and we can may be take it from there.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ponsonby, any memory of a lad called Renshaw? He would be a bit younger than you, but he lived somewhere near Clun Street, off Ellesmere Road. I would guess he was born around 1938, and he went to Ellesmere and, I think, Burngreave. Can't for the life of me remember his first name. I didn't know him all that well, in that I was not at school with him for long, but he was one of those pals you don't really forget. I often wonder whatever happened to him.

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Sorry, Redfyre, the name doesn't ring a bell. Your message made me realise how few names of my contemporaries I remember - still it is almost 70 years ago! A few I do remember - Pauline Banks, Don Hawksworth, Joan Grey (lived on Clun Rd., sat next to me at one time, used to nip me!), Michael Monteyne (lived in a pub near Norfolk Bridge), Peter Howard (lived on Elsecar Rd.). I went to Ellesmere Rd school and was the first ever to go from there to King Edward VII - another lad followed a couple of years later - my claim to fame!!! Cheers

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  • 2 weeks later...
You say you remember the Cottons, My dad was a Cotton, he lived around that area when he was young with his family. Do you know anything about them? My dad died when he was only 47 30 years ago and i know nothing about his background or his bringing up. I would be really intrested in anything you could tell me if its the same family. Thanks.

Hi Lynn.Was your fathers name Jim by any chance and did he have a sister called Julie.If so i almost lived at their house.Hear from you soon i hope:thumbsup:

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I'll bump this one up if only to get a response from Ponsonby.


HI There.Can you remember the Hobsons who lived next door.I used to be in there house all the time as i was friends with his sister. will write later as its 1.05am (I must be turning into you)Glen

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Hi Lynn.Was your fathers name Jim by any chance and did he have a sister called Julie.If so i almost lived at their house.Hear from you soon i hope:thumbsup:


Hi Glen, my dads name was Alan. He had a sister Helen and brothers Eric and John. They maybe some relations to them but like i said i know very little of my dads background which is sad as i cant pass down to my family what he was like. Lynn

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hi I lived on Earsham Street and I went to All Saints School and Burngreave School had cousins who lived on there also Sandra and Pauline Holmes Dereck Young. Also remember the cricket matxches my grandad used to take me to watch

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