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Pitsmoor in the Thirties and Forties.


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Lol just looking at all your locations now! most have left sunny Sheffield Why?????


20 years ago we moved to brid, job situation and neighbour trouble made us move. I still visit Sheffield to see family and my roots and my heart will always be in Sheffield.

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  • 4 months later...
Hi taffy124

Do you know the whereabouts of any of the Marriotts you meantioned. Desperately trying to find any of them for family tree purposes. Thanks



I know this is a bit late to reply but here goes Tom Marriott died, Tony i dont know about, David used to work at T J hughes on high street up to about 18 months ago and he lives up Shirecliff i dont know exactly were though, Mary who is probably 90odd now still goes for her nightly drink i don't know which pub now but she still lives in Pitsmoor up Brunswick Road some were sorry i carnt be more specific

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I lived on Normanton Street from 1942 until I married in 1963. My parents were Tom and Mary Davison and I had a sister Helen, and a brother Ian, who has since died. Helen is now in Australia and I moved to Nottingham after I married. My maiden name was Ann Davison. Anyone remember the Liversidge twins, Olga Rushforth, Graham Eshelby - all lived on Normanton Street - and playing on Smiths Fields


we lived at 194 grimesthorp road I used to walk up Normanton street to go to burngreave school in the late 60s

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my grandma lived in verdon street in her back yard lived her daughter at the bottom house alice and albert marsh next door was a nother relation then there was the passage way and then another house and my grandmas at the top of the yard her name was annie stokes a few doors away was the cromwell on the corner which was their local.Round the corner was a sweet shop i can rember it very well as you had to climb up two big steps ( big to me in those days)to get into it .Sometimes we would take a short cut over the bull rocks at the side of the wicker arches to get to there house dont know why they were called bull rocks though as there werent no bulls insite any explainations ?

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  • 3 years later...
Hi There do you know ponsonby? I cant remember anyone living there only the Cottons ( Fish Folk).Maybe he will answer soon.Anyone else from Petre St


Yes I'm from Petre Street and I remember when I was a kid there was a fish and chip shop in the vicinity your'e talking about-it was Haywood's near to the ironmongers (forgot their name), George Barron's barbers and Fred Wordsworth's cobblers. Happy days!

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Hi brooklynex - here's a scan from the 1954 Kelly's Directory that might help you reminisce! The 1968 directory shows that "F. Wordsworth, boot repairer" had taken over from David C. Morris at No 109, and "B. Callis" had the chippy two doors away..:)

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Regarding boot and shoe repairers or 'cobblers'. Does anyone remember the cobbler who had a shop on Pitsmoor Rd, or more probably,The Bank opposite the old gardens. The shop was more or less opposite the Loco Club and was still there in the mid-fifties. Anyone remember his name.

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