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Organ Donation - Have you signed up?

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Skin in good condition is kept in skin banks and used for grafting for burns victims and people with similar problems.


The only thing that I can say is that nick2, whether they use your tattoos or not they aren't likely to be visible on any recipient since the tattoo is in the lower layers of your skin and the skin used for grafting is only the upper layers.

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I have been signed up since I was about 10. I know people who have died waiting for organs and have seen the grief and pain it causes. I would always do anything I could to minimise the number of families who have to go through this trauma, waiting for an organ means that any of your life left is spent constantly on edge, that's no way to spend your last few months or years.

I want to be cremated anyway so my liver etc won't be handy in the after life!

Can I just also remind people to make clear to their family that they want to be an organ donor. They have the final say in a lot of cases so even if you are registered spell out to your nearest and dearest that you have made this decision. I know it's a morbid discussion but it's also a very important one.

In reply to what Atticus Finch said the Government are looking at a soft opt-out scheme which means that the final say would still lie with your next of kin. If you don't want to donate your organs then opt out but the indifference and inaction of thousands should not rob others of the opportunity for a fuller and longer life.

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have you registered if not why not??


here's the link come on people sign up.






i have been registered for years,i believe if you can help someone when you go then why not.


what a good person you are well done IVE JUST DONE IT !!:):) lets keep up the good work im on the bone marrow list and ive also donated my eggs so a few couples could have babies hope it worked xxx

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