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Radio (junk) Shop


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  • 1 year later...
Yes, it was on Button Lane.


My brother bought some stuff from there which helped him make a ¨crystal¨ radio, that would be around 1950. I think they used to deal in all sorts of ex army stuff.


I too bought a condenser (I still remember its value .0001) to make a crystal set in the early 40s

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When my brother left school in 1944, he went to work for Bluffs radio shop. Ive always thought this was on Button Lane, but he's positive it was on Carver St. So Iim confused on this now. Some time after, when Ken Bardwell left the Market to go on Abbeydale Road my father took his stall with me helping on a Saturday. Going back to when I was a kid, My father ran a shop called 'The Wonder Wireless Company' !!. on Langsett Road I think. So my earliest recollections as a child was playing with wireless parts. Later on, when T.V. started up in London, late thirties he was very interested in this and bought the necessary parts.(Logie Baird system). After the war, say 1950 we bought a T.V. kit called Viewmaster and succesfully assembled it and managed to tune it in to the Test card signals from Holme Moss. When the live transmissions started in 1951, we always had a houseful of neighbours. Then Bush brought out a 9" set for 49 guineas (some with a magnifier on the front). I was still using ouur constructed T.V.until ITV started up in 1956. Happy days. P.s. Years ago I visited the National Museum of T.V, Film,Photography at Bradford with my brother and he was amazed to find a show-case full of the radio parts he used to sell at Bluffs. I would love to hear other peoples memories of early radio days.

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Most of the businesses mentioned are either before my time or unknown to me, but I do remember a little radio shop called Morco on Granville Street (near the top of Granville Hill) and Dobson's on West Bar Green. That was the only place I could get a 6X5 rectifier valve for my ex-army Philips P.C.R. set. Memories...

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P.S. Would love to know about Crystal sets.What components were used etc. I remember my father saying that you used earphones and a 'Cat's Whisker'. Any idea when loud speakers came in to replace earphones. Would appreciate any info. at all. It was only recently I accidentally read in a book that Crystal is the only mineral capable of receiving radio trnsmissions. How this was discovered amazes me and wonder how I could read up on this. Thanks for your time.

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Hillsbro. Thanks fo your reply. I think my last post crossed yours. Your mention of Dobsons, rectifiers and P.C.R. is full of interest to me. Would like to chat more about this, but got to go out now, but hope to chat later. Regards.

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