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Get rid of mouth ulcers?

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Does anyone know any way to get rid of mouth ulcers other than bongela or rinsing mouth with salt water?


I've got some at the back of my mouth near my throat and they're REALLY painful, I've tried to call the doctors today as I've had them for days and days with no luck trying to get rid of them :( but there seems to be something wrong with my local doctors number since it changed to this new 0845 number, and I dont have time in the next few days to just pop up and wait...


I cant use bongela cus its painful and makes me gag putting my fingers so far back, and gargling salt water is gonna make me spew :(


thanks for any useful reply's, its painful to swallow and eating anything salty REALLY hurts, I think I've got more than I can see, but you ever tried looking down your own throat with a torch in your hand? its not easy... lol

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yeah, I cant get to them properly they're in some weird places, and I'm sure I've got one or a few in my throat that I cant even see... I still need to go to the doctors I rekon as an outburst of mouth ulcers sounds rather worrying... one on your lip is normal-ish from time to time... but I must have got at least 3 or 4 of them :?


normally when they're on my lip I just grit my teeth and rub salt straight into them till I cant take the pain no more, it hurts like mad but gets rid of the things quickly, especially if you put bongela on afterwards

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I'm guessing we use the same medical centre in Hackenthorpe looking at where you live - I used the new 0845 number last week to make an appointment & it worked fine for me.


I've just tried the number again - there's no problem with it - give it another go :)

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t c p . available at chemist or most supermarkets 2 or 3 teaspoons in about a quarter of a cup of warm water 3 or 4 times a day always works for me tried other remedys i find this the best use as a mouthwash

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It will be excruciatingly painful, but brush it with your toothbrush. And keep brushing until all of the white skin on the ulcer has gone. Then dab on some Bongela or similar. And it will be a pain like no other but trust me, it won't hurt for long and they will go quickly :) Make sure you give your toothbrush a good clean after or preferably use a seperate one.


I've tried this method and it really does work. I had one a massive one all of christmas week but then i finally plucked up the courage to try this and it worked a treat :)

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I've never had mouth ulcers at the back of my throat I tend to get them on my bottom lip where they rub against my teeth. They're annoying aren't they! I tend to squeeze the small bubble with the fingers and pop it (it smarts a little but is over quick) then brush your teeth and it will heal up overnight.


I do, however, appreciate it may be hard to reach the back of your throat with fingers and imagine it would probably result in gagging galore. But, for small ulcers, on the lip area this method of eradication has never failed me.


For prevention of ulcers I would recommend changing your toothbrush frequently and using a good quality toothpaste and mouthwash.

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