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Get rid of mouth ulcers?

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i tend to get outbreaks of ulcers if i use the wrong toothpaste, Colgate is evil stuff!!!

Anbesol is good for ulcers generally, dab it on til you can stand the pain no longer, they are usually gone in 24 hours, however having them at the back of your mouth does make that difficult, but remember it for the normal ones.

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Salt mouthwash OK - but spit it out!!

Adcortyl in Orabase - pretty good.

Bonjela - sometimes works.

Anbesol - very good.

If you have contacts abroad try and get Anbesol Full Strength - it's a gel in very small tubes, contains steroids and carries a warning about only using it for 2 weeks. Contains Benzocaine. Works brilliantly - but of course you can't get it in this country - available everywhere else though.


I think that mouth ulcers are a form of Herpes virus and arrive at times when you're under some stress - mental or physical. So avoid stress!

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Originally posted by nuf_said

I think that mouth ulcers are a form of Herpes virus and arrive at times when you're under some stress - mental or physical. So avoid stress!


Been to the doctors, apperently theres been a lot of research into ulcers but they still haven't any clue what makes them... how do they hope to cure cancer and AIDS/HIV if they cant prevent mouth ulcers? :P


anyways he told me to get some of this mouth rinse stuff, numbs your mouth and throat, so its all good, removes the pain for a couple of hours...


and how can you avoid stress? I've got my 4th driving test in the morning, Uni exams in a few weeks and I've been in heated arguments with my ex for the last week... stress? whats stress?? :P

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Originally posted by xafier

Been to the doctors, apperently theres been a lot of research into ulcers but they still haven't any clue what makes them... how do they hope to cure cancer and AIDS/HIV if they cant prevent mouth ulcers? :P


anyways he told me to get some of this mouth rinse stuff, numbs your mouth and throat, so its all good, removes the pain for a couple of hours...


and how can you avoid stress? I've got my 4th driving test in the morning, Uni exams in a few weeks and I've been in heated arguments with my ex for the last week... stress? whats stress?? :P


I seem to remember Herpes Zoster and Herpes Lesion (or similar spellings) being related to ulcers. It's been 30 years since I read up about that. But my interest is revived by my son's mouth ulcers - about 5 at once and each abut the size of your little finger nail. Now that's painful.


Stress - you've got more than your fair share of stress at the moment. Good luck with sorting each bit. See Plain Talker's definition of stress - 'when you wake up screaming and then realise you weren't asleep'. Love that one.

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My dad swears by this method:


Take a good quality whisky and take a mouthful, Hold over the affected area for as long as you can stand the excruciating pain that follows. You can then of course swallow it.


Although painful, dad says it will cure ulcers in 24 - 48 hrs. I can't vouch for this because I am fortunate in that I rarely suffer mouth ulcers.


Get better soon



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Originally posted by lekamo

Take a good quality whisky and take a mouthful, Hold over the affected area for as long as you can stand the excruciating pain that follows. You can then of course swallow it.


Although painful, dad says it will cure ulcers in 24 - 48 hrs.


and if it doesn't work after a few attempts you won't care anyway!!! :D sounds like a good cure to me :D

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Put a blob of bonjella on your tongue and then push it towards the back of your mouth. It wont hurt you if you swallow it cos afterall they wudnt let you put something in your mouth that is harmful to you especially when babies use it too. or if u you stand it bonjela on the end of your toothbrush or clean ear bud thingy and then dab it on


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Adcortyl in Orabase gets my vote - but it's like gritty vaseline :gag: damned effective though.


Dequacaine is good too. Originally for very sore throats but it's now advertised as being for ulcers. Good job really - I've been using it for them for years.

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