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Get rid of mouth ulcers?

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i think ive work out how you get ulcers, you see i bite the inside of my cheeks all the time and tend to ulcers in the places i bite. so i believe that ulcers occur when you get a cut in your mouth and the cut gets dirty (food gets in) so i guess that to prevent them you kind of have to avoid and cuts. i usually brush my ulcers with a toothbrush and then gargle lots of mouthwash, that usually does the trick :thumbsup: hope thats helps in some way. good luck

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As an ex-ulcer sufferer, Here are my tips on getting rid of them:


As with any health-related issue, you need to keep your immune system top notch, so eating lot of fruit and veg, drink lots of water, and doing plenty of exercise.


Avoid or limit fatty, salty fast food, ready made meals. You don't know what is in them, and there could be a chemical that sets them off in it.


Avoid eating sharp edged foods that causes cuts in the mouth, such as crisps. Eat and chew your food slowly to avoid making cuts in your mouth.


Don't drink so much, avoid smoking.


Clean your teeth well with an electric toothbrush and use mouthwash, this should limit the amount of bacteria in the mouth that could set ulcers off.


Keep a diary of what you eat, and when you get ulcers. You might discover a link. For me, i think its crisps and coffee that sets it off.


This all might sound excessive, but personally i really hated ulcers, and tried everything to limit them. In the end it paid off. It also benefits your health in other ways.

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  • 11 months later...

Hello all. First post, so please bear with me.


I've been suffering from MOUTH ULCERS for at least 2-3 years now. Sore! Large and often clustered towards the back of my throat. I was so used to the constant pain, that I didn't notice when I did, and when I did not have an ulcer.


I kept a mouth ulcer diary & photo diary, just so that I had something concrete to go to the quacks with - I felt like it was an unjustified trip to the quacks, saying that I had a SORE THROAT and troublesome MOUTH ULCERS.


I've had swabs, blood tests, avoided acidic foods, tablets to see if the problem was coming from my gut up to my throat. Nothing. They put it down to possible stress?


I've tried every mouth wash known to man, rinsing with warm salt water regularly, bongela, other creams... nothing. In the end, to relieve severe pain, I used to numb my entire throat and mouth for temporary relief by sucking on MEROCAINE lozenges - but they are very strong on your system, and no more than 8 lozenges can be consumed in any 24 hour period. Strong stuff! But like I said, only in the severest cases.


...I did get there though, and have been happily MOUTH ULCER FREE for the last 5 weeks. This may not seem like a long time, but to me, it's nowt short of a miracle! 5 weeks on the trot! Going by my diary for last year, I'd be better telling you the days I didn't have an ulcer, rather than the days I was cursed with them.


Let me just also throw in that I am physically fit, cycle most days - and my diet is very varied.


Now for the REMEDY...


My sister has an auto-immune disease and has been feeling rougher than usual with it for the last 6 months. She has various regular testing and nothing showed to be abnormal. Then she persuaded to Doc that something must be up, she was feeling run-down, aching joints etc... nothing to do with MOUTH ULCERS you might say... but I'm almost there...


The hospital diagnosed her as being VITAMIN D deficient. She was super low. The level should be around the 50 mark, crisis point is the 25 mark - she measured in at 27. The Doctor at the hospital remarked on how it is getting worryingly common place that people are VITAMIN D DEFICIENT without even realizing... and this in turn can have a direct effect and straining on the general immune system, making one more susceptible to colds etc.


VITAMIN D is created by the body after absorbing direct sunlight on to exposed skin. Or by oily fish. Sometimes added to milks, fortified cereals, but in low doses. So it can be missed if you don't meet a certain, but safe, regular exposure to the sun.


I am always wrapped up, even in the summer, as I have very pale skin and burn easily. Even when cycling, I always wear long sleeves, gloves, neck scarf - the only part of me exposed is my face (which always has moisturizer with high SPF slapped on it!).


I was Vitamin D deficient too. Crazy stuff!


My sister was prescribed her Vitamin D with Calcium tabs, as she as an ongoing illness - I was advised by my Pharmacist to take the highest dose, and so he hand picked me a super strength, sold over the counter, just 1 tablet a day VITAMIN D TABLET (the dose/unit equates to 1,000iu).


Hope my story helps... best of health to you all!


Apologies for the essay!


If in doubt, speak to your GPs - and request a VITAMIN D blood test.

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