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Where to Eat for Valentines Night

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Or maybe people just want to take the opportunity to express their love for one another discodown. I do believe that people should treat their partner on a regular basis and always express their love but Valentine's does act kick people into action a bit which is never a bad thing. I'd much rather my partner thought ahead of time and sorted something than rushed to Spar at the last moment and bought me the last battered bunch of carnations in the shop.

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Or maybe people just want to take the opportunity to express their love for one another discodown. I do believe that people should treat their partner on a regular basis and always express their love but Valentine's does act kick people into action a bit which is never a bad thing. I'd much rather my partner thought ahead of time and sorted something than rushed to Spar at the last moment and bought me the last battered bunch of carnations in the shop.
because Hallmark tells him to?
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I'm aware of that.


The point i'm trying to make is that the card companies etc have suckered us. Your partner taking you out and sending you a card on valentines day is not in with the spirit of the day. You should know he loves you. He shouldn't need a day set aside where hes been bullied and cajoled by Hallmark to make a gesture.


It could be argued its an empty gesture. He doesn't want to, isn't doing it for the right reasons but feels he should because you expect it because of the pressure and marketing surrounding the day

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Yes I agree and as I say I believe partners should express their love for each other every single day. But if you are going to do the whole Valentine's day thing the least you can do is make an effort and put some thought into it. Thinking ahead of time about the ideal restaurant and seeking advice would be a sign of someone caring enough to put some consideration into things, not of "panicky foolish animals" as you put it. I would ideally like a meal cooked for me or a lovely handmade gift or card, something that doesn't feed the commercial beast.

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I think there's too much pressure around this time of year to do something romantic. Everyone trying to outdo each other. To be honest, I'd much prefer to be surprised during the year, or on my birthday - something I don't have to share with everyone else in country. Having said that - I WILL be buying him a card. :roll:

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I like to take the opportunity to put aside an evening just for us. Granted we could do that at any time, but having a 'special' day for it helps make sure it happens. We don't do presents anymore, usually go out for dinner, a movie, the theatre or similar. I don't do it because 'Clinton's tells me too' but because We want to

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