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Azzurri - anyone been?


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  • 4 weeks later...

It doesn't look very inviting either. Does Eccy Rd need another Italian restaurant? IMO, what it needs is a few more laid back eateries that aren't chain pubs (Varsity etc) The revamped Lescar seems nice, the food was fab when I tried it before xmas.


Sorry, not exactly a review I know, but a relevant point maybe...

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Went there just after new year....I eat out quite a bit and unfortunately, this place isn't up to it. There was good service from a Portuguese chap and the decor isn't bad, but everything else was way below par. I ordered a steak diane - which I have to say, isn't rocket science to cook...unfortunately, the meat tasted like is was about to go off - it had that fruity kind of taste - not good!

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had the misfortune to eat there last night , there was hardly anyone in ,took an age to get served and the meal certainly wasn't worth waiting for when we eventually got it . how they could ruin a simple grilled stake is beyond me,. dont think i will be going again

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Me and my boyfriend visited on a Tuesday evening, there was us and a table of 4 in yet service was poor (the waitor appeared to never have served a table ever before!) The main meal I chose was out of stock so I had to choose something else with the waitor stood over me, very uncomfortable! The atmosphere was awful, if it wasn't the loud 70s pop songs it was the phone ringing every two minutes with the host chatting away on it. I had the bruschetta for starters which was OK but could have been made myself! My main meal actually got sent back, I have never done this before and eat almost everything but it tasted awful. The fish smelt strongly (sign of going off) and the mash potato tasted like smash! We were comped for my main meal thankfully. We declined dessert and was then given the table of 4s bill, you think with two tables in they could get that right! They should invest more money in quality of food and service instead of the massive wide screen television they have when you walk in, hardly authentic for an Italian! Avoid like the plague or go to McDonalds :-D

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