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French Cafe in Meadowhall


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Congratulations! You win the prize for worst service I have ever experienced. To witness a half empty restaurant, and have to wait minutes at the door until a member of staff can be fussed to deal with you, should have alerted me to how the place is run. Once (finally) sat down, it took them 50 minutes to serve us with a starter and a drink. At one point I looked around the restaurant, and out of 11 occupied tables, SEVEN had no food on them. One couple walked out in frustration, and the family group on the table next to us had to phone home to tell them they were going to be late back because the service was so slow! I've never seen so many people looking bored and exasperated in a restaurant before. To cap it all, while the starters were quite nice, the main courses were very disappointing. Funnily enough, when it came to asking for the bill, I got it twice!


Now, I know no-one should go to Meadowhall and expect haute cuisine, but I would expect a halfway decent level of service. It was that poor that for the first time in my life, I didn't leave a tip. To anyone looking for a quick bite to eat after the shopping, my recommendation would be to go somewhere else...

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Complaining in restaurants is a tricky business. Personally i wouldn't ask for the manager. The damage is done, no amount of apologies rescues a bad experience. Far better to not go back again


That does sound extremely poor, especially by today's standards.


Whilst it is difficult to rescue a bad experience it is impossible for the establishment to do so if constructive complaints are not put forward. Why not write a letter and see what kind of response you get?


I must politely disagree with you however that no amount of apologies rescues a bad experience. I myself had one last year in the nail salon that I go to. I booked to go somewhere different for my nails done but then received a call a few weeks later from the Salon owner who had just found out about my unhappiness about the service I had received. (She found out indirectly as someone I know who goes mentioned it to her, hence the time lapse).


I was so impressed by the way she handled the situation. I sat back and thought about my own behaviour. I was annoyed at myself as usually if I am unhappy with a service I will make a polite but constructive complaint to the appropriate person. On that occasion I didn't and I couldn't help but think that I myself had not given the business owner the opportunity to rectify things.


Needless to say I am very pleased I returned as I now realise the below standard service I received on that day was a 'one off' and I am one very happy and satisfied customer again. The key was, the business owner definitely approached the situation with the right attitude.


If you like this restaurant, why not give it another chance? However, if you do not receive a favourable response to your complaint then I wouldn't blame you for never setting the foot into the place again!


Have you read that book 'How To Win Customers and Keep Them For Life'? It clearly states in there that quite a high percentage of us will still do business with establishments if they react to our complaints swiftly and positively. Its cheaper to keep existing customers than develop new ones.

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