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The Mashouse

Guest unners

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Guest unners

Just been reading a review in the Metro about a new english restaurant called The Mashouse on Devonshire street it had a really good write up. Just wondering if anybody else had been as this is the first i have heard of the place

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I didn't think the write-up was that good, 3 out of 5 is not brilliant, and they did say it was a bit dissapointing onlt having one starter to choose.


The food did sound good though.

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Guest unners

Fair point , i know they said the deserts were to big and that in its self would be worth a visit for. Where abouts is it anyway?

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Guest unners

Think you may be correct. If i dont like the place at least i can go to the lovely new Curry house, Chas Chas(think thats what they call it ...my memory!)which is also on Devonshire Street

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Devonshire Street is the continuation of Division Street - it runs along the top side of Dev Green.


The Mashouse looks delicious! 4 sorts of mash on the menu! :9 English wine! I love English wine. I've not been yet, but I plan to at the earliest available opportunity. Prices seem pretty reasonable too, and the breakfast menu looks delicious as well. *grin* I'm just enthusiastic because it's the first time I've seen an *English* restaurant - too often English food gets put down, but it's actually very tasty if done well. I look forward to finding out if the Mashouse does this. ^_~

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Just been to the Mashouse...


Utter Crap and a total waste of money.


I'm up for the idea of good english food, I went to a place in Bristol with a similar menu the only difference being a plate full of really nice food!!!


This place offers a limited menu, extra small portions and lumpy mash! A massive disapointment.


I dont think they care much about the food just the profit from an idea.


My verdict: Its the Emperor’s new clothes!!!

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