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Where's the Crimea War Memorial? (ex Botanical Gardens)

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More a case of why should Broomhill/Hunter's bar have all the Victoria. besides think how much more spectacular it would be if they were hurling their stones across the city centre. If QV2 got her column back it could be construed as an unfair advantage though.


The Crimea memorial isn't a statue of Queen Victoria. It's a woman symbolising some virtue I can't remember off the top of my head - Mercy or Charity, something like that. But it's not dear old Mrs Chuckles. :)

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry for bringing this topic back to life, but I've only just discovered the existence of this beautiful monument! I was looking through some old pictures on the Sheffield archive site and couldn't believe it when I saw it. I'm not usually a war'n'glory kind of person, but I'm shocked that we ever took it down.


I understand that it was removed from Moorhead about 1960/61 and a truncated version was placed in the Botanical Gardens, which was itself removed a few years ago. But all of it's pieces are either in storage or preserved in copies. Is that true? Is there really chance the original monument can be re-erected in the future?


And if so, where should we put it? Maybe there should be a campaign to have it put in the new square to be laid out when the Manpower building is demolished? It would bring a bit of history to the area and provide a focal point.

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The Crimea memorial isn't a statue of Queen Victoria. It's a woman symbolising some virtue I can't remember off the top of my head - Mercy or Charity, something like that. But it's not dear old Mrs Chuckles. :)


"Seated figure of Queen Victoria depicted as “Honour”"


from the Public Art in Sheffield site:

Crimea Monument


(The link to the main photos seems to be broken but can be retrieved from the google cache).



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Great thread and I agree the monument should be relocated to Fargate and IMO, on a newly contructed column like it orginally had.


Another monument totally wasted by way of relocating is this one: http://public-art.shu.ac.uk/sheffield/flo59im.html


Why do we hide these gems in corners of the city where they fall into disrepair and are prone to vandalism?


Are our councillors not very proud of our heritage?

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Great thread and I agree the monument should be relocated to Fargate and IMO, on a newly contructed column like it orginally had.


Another monument totally wasted by way of relocating is this one: http://public-art.shu.ac.uk/sheffield/flo59im.html


Why do we hide these gems in corners of the city where they fall into disrepair and are prone to vandalism?


Are our councillors not very proud of our heritage?


The last thing they want is to remind us that we were once a great nation. :nono:

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When it was removed from the Botanical Gardens there was talk of moving it in or near to the General Cemetery. This would be appropriate because there are soldiers who died in the Crimea who are memorialised/buried in the General Cemetery.

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  • 7 months later...

The Crimean Monument was moved in 1957 (started in 1956 and completed IN) It was dismantled and stored for a short while and then erected in the Botanical gardens. How do I know this? because I worked on the removal/erection along with Jack Brabury the mason in charge and others.


The one thing that really sticks in my mind was the comment made by Jack

to John Kirkham (Assistant City Surveyor at the time)when he asked how long do you think it will take to complete the works as it seems to be taking a lot longer than we anticipated?

Jack replied "Do you want this job doing quick or do you want it doing right "


We did manage to damage the nose but Jack did an invisible repair on it

and you could not tell it had been damaged.

I am told that the left hand holding a wreath is now missing but I can assure you that it was there when re-erected it in 1957.


Just for the record we were told by the officials at the time the statue was not of Queen Victoria. It is still debatable.



Well what a shame it is not wanted in the Botanical Gardens and I am sure the longer it remains in store the more damage it will get and parts will go missing.

Well I could go on and on but that's enough for now

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