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Air raid warning for Sheffield.


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Most of Britain's air raid siren system was dismantled around 1993, as since the end of the cold war it was deemed surplus to requirements.


A handful of towns retained theirs as flood warnings, mostly in low-lying places such as East Lincolnshire, but in the rest of the country they are now a thing of the past.

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Thanks everyone for your contributions, looks like we have the answer. Some years ago I did actually install one of these sirens when I worked as an electrician on open cast coal sites. One site in County Durham had a large gas main running through it and in the event of someone digging it up, the local population had to be warned. Fortunately, we only tested it, never used it for the real thing.

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At Southey Junior school, around 1952 or 3 a new siren was to be installed. It was delivered to the school and left in the corridor until the installers can to put it on the roof. This was a neat toy for we youngsters to play with in the meantime, and we eventually discovered how to set the fan spinning. Silly bugger me, was smart enough to put my finger through the grille while the thing was turning. I now have one index finger a little shorter than it should be

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Hello Euclid or is it Paul R? Yes it's a 631E, not one I ever worked on but found the photo on Google. The most modern ones I ever played with were Cs or Ds for Budge's.


:wave:Hello cat631 or is it Ralph A?,somehow i thought it might be you!,you're the only good sparky i know,i'm still playing with the thing that pushes them!:wave:

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Hello everyone, I realize this thread has gone off topic and thought I should explain what we are on about. Paul is and I was, involved in the earth moving industry and thanks to Sheffield Forum are back in touch again. When a Caterpillar 631 Motor Scraper is loading or scraping up 'muck' it needs a gentle push up the backside.


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