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Pit Slag Heaps at the Manor Top

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Prior to 1946. When I lived on Windy House Lane on the Manor Estate as children we would sometimes play on rafts. One being on a pit pond behind Prince Edwards School.


From the Manor Top, going down toward intake on Mansfield Road, just after the first road junction on the right, two pit slag heaps existed on either side of the road. We had rafts on both the ponds that was behind these slag heaps.


What I never knew was:- Where was the pit that created the slag heap?


hiya my father in law used to talk about playing in this area when he was young, name Albert Brown (parrot) lived on fitzhubert rd. He would have loved all this.

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not Manor Top but I seem to remember turning up to play football at Pipworth Junior and I'm sure their pitch was a leveled out slag heap. Can anybody remember this? I must be talking late 50s or early 60s
i remember the pitch,cant say if it was an old slag heap or not though,but i do remember there was lots of ash and slate that formed a sort of slag in the bowden woods or bonio to the locals,there was also a large wooden circle that we thought was a water container/swimming pool in the woods, can you remember it ? i once found a very rusty oxydized axe head in the woods,the museum said it was made by two blacksmith brothers in darnall many many years ago, it was slightly convexed ,they said this would have left the tree with a sort of bowl effect to aid in it's rotting.


i spent many happy years in those woods around 1958 to 1970, i can even remember there was a park keeper that passed through on occasions..:hihi:

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  • 8 months later...

[ Hi Please bear with me as Im a newly reg.member and Im not used to the system. The replies about the pit heaps where the new fire station is Im very grateful for. I have wondered all my life about the history of these,as I used to play on these 70 years ago.About this time I remember going with my father to get a bag coal from a pit which was situated maybe 150 yards below the Rex cinema,and push it on a push chair to Wulfric Rd.,wher we lived. As Ive only just reg. with S.F. I find this discussion group fascinating,and would like to thank you all. P.S. Im hopng that I CAN FIND the right boxes to click onto in order for you to receive this message,as this is my very 1st.post.!

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