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Getting hold of manure megathread!


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I have horse manure, its from the field, so no bedding in it, can't guarantee its weed-free entirely but the field is nice and clean and the hay is good quality so shouldn't be a big problem. Also its fairly fresh so if you stack it and rot it properly any seed would be killed.


I only have a couple so there isn't a mountain of it. Come winter there may be four stabled so more manure, also used woodchips or straw, I keep them all separate. You need to stack and rot any used bedding for quite a while before its any use.


I'm not allowed to stack it on the field, so if anyone wants a large supply and has a suitable area to use, I would be happy to trailer it over and make a proper muck heap which will heat up and rot down after 12 months. I can also deliver S5/S6 ish, by the bag. Cheap as I only need to cover my costs.


I don't allow any wormers or medication into the muck heap, that is always removed and burnt. The horses are fed haylage, chopped hay, grass and sugar beet pulp, no artificial fertilisers are used on the field, nor any herbicides or pesticides, so nothing scary will be going into your veg plots. pm me if you're interested.

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Have a pile of black bags full of bunny/guinea pig manure ready to go, a few weeks ago I didn't have enough to go round now no one wants it!!
As above loads of it. I'm moving soon so need it gone if anyone would like it.... then I can start again at the new place :DPosted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android



Going in the bin seeing as no one want it.

Edited by sjw1705
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