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NASA photographs mysterious Big Foot figure on Mars!

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I just downloaded the image but I can't seen to pinpoint the "Big foot" formation.


Roughly where about is it in the image?





Far left, not too far in... and about 1/8'th of the way up.. I had to zoom to about 9x zoom to be able to find it tho :)

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Far left, not too far in... and about 1/8'th of the way up.. I had to zoom to about 9x zoom to be able to find it tho :)


Its here (bear in mind this is zoomed in a bit though, you can't see it at all if you don't zoom in.);




Thanks guys, I've found it now.;)

The good thing is when you zoom up close on the original Nasa photo, the image is exactly the same as the ones shown in the paper and the news, so at least the photo doesn't look deliberately doctored in any way.


I must say though that the image still looks quite striking when you do find it from the original Nasa image.

To me it looks like the "Big Foot" is attatched to the rocks, and the arm is the thing that really gives it human like form.

I may sound a bit radical, but It actually looks like a statue of a man carved into the rock, perhaps an ancient rock carving by ancient long died out Martians.

Hey I know it sounds unbelievable but it's not impossible!


The ITV News at 10 have just included the Mar's Big Foot image as one of their headlines!

I can just imagine some people, that take the ITV news as gospel, must be in shock!:hihi:

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Thanks guys, I've found it now.;)

The good thing is when you zoom up close on the original Nasa photo, the image is exactly the same as the ones shown in the paper and the news, so at least the photo doesn't look deliberately doctored in any way.


I must say though that the image still looks quite striking when you do find it from the original Nasa image.

To me it looks like the "Big Foot" is attatched to the rocks, and the arm is the thing that really gives it human like form.

I may sound a bit radical, but It actually looks like a statue of a man carved into the rock, perhaps an ancient rock carving by ancient long died out Martians.

Hey I know it sounds unbelievable but it's not impossible!


The ITV News at 10 have just included the Mar's Big Foot image as one of their headlines!

I can just imagine some people that take the ITV news as gospel must be in shock!:hihi:

Yeh you can tell the picture isn't doctored but it also looks very much like its connected to the rock. Its just very, very strange how the rock is shaped like bigfoot!

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Sounds like something out of the Sunday sport. Theyll go on and on about this for decades now like they do the face and the so-called pyramids and citys.


I know! lol and don't forget about the Sport's "genuine" "picture" of the london bus on the moon! :loopy:

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Yeh you can tell the picture isn't doctored but it also looks very much like its connected to the rock. Its just very, very strange how the rock is shaped like bigfoot!


Well the rational answer is that it is just some rocks that look like a figure of a man like being.

Kudos to the guy who originally spotted it though he must have great eyesight!

Seriously though if a whole spate of similar anomolies are found in other rocks it does raise the question, perhaps these are ancient rock carvings from an ancient, but now long extinct manlike species on Mars.


Far fetched perhaps, but then again even the top scientist today can't really agree amongst themselves as to how life got started on Earth, who know's what secrets lie on planets like Mars?

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