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Sheffield years ago

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  • 5 months later...

Come on, Sheffield hasn't gone downhill any quicker or any further than any other city. I wouldn't live in any other major city instead of right here. Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Liverpool, London. don;t try to tell me any of them are better than here.

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I cannot remember Sheffield in days past four years ago - which is when I came here.

But much of what has been spoken about here I can say about my home town. The area has gone down hill rapidly - there are not enough people who care enough to make a place better and i think that is applicable nationwide for many towns and cities.



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I was born in Brightside in 1931. We moved to Tinsley in 1940 and were watching the Broadway Melodies of 1939 at the Pavilion on the night of December 12th 1940 when the first blitz struck. We spent the night in a shelter on Attercliffe Common while an Irish cop stood at the top of the stairs giving us a running commentary on the action. The huns came again on Sunday December 15th and blew our house apart with us still in it. Luckily noone was hurt. I attended Nether Edge Grammar school and graduated in 1947, then joined W.T Flather as a machine apprentice till I joined the Navy. After 18 years in the service I worked for Davy United as a field engineer till I went to Montreal in 68. Altogether I have lived in North America for 36 years, 9 of them in good old Canada, and have lived in Connecticut since then. I have not been in Sheffield since 1989, but even then much of what I knew and loved about my dear old city had changed. Now the Wednesday is in the 2cnd division. God help us all!

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  • 1 year later...

good for you, I grew up in sheffield..I live in canada now, but still go back to visit, if I had enough money I would spend 6months there each year..ra ra sheffield

Originally posted by pitsmoorlad

Come on, Sheffield hasn't gone downhill any quicker or any further than any other city. I wouldn't live in any other major city instead of right here. Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Liverpool, London. don;t try to tell me any of them are better than here.

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Originally posted by Bartonk

We lived in Ecclesfield before moving to Canada in 1979 and remember as a child how lovely it was. I returned several times to visit my parents but the worst time was during Thatchers reign when everything had gone downhill and my poor father, dying from Cancer looked out on his beloved rose gardens in the seniors complex to see them overgrown and neglected. The place was in a mess, curb sides were left uncut (councils job, I guess) but what amazed me was that the people who did keep nice gardens still didn't manage to move their mower to the curb. I would have thught that if you had any pride you would have mowed the curb grass too. I remember my father did when we were growing up. I never understood that.

I'm an artist and paint now, trying to recapture those lovely days of Ecclesfield and it's history. I haven't been back for a while but will make the pilgrimage one day.

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Originally posted by artisan


Re the above and grass verges. Ome one in this town (halifax) tidied up their grass verge and planted a few flowers and wre told to remove them as they wre not allowed to use council property.


All town have gone down hill since the advent of the Greart Maggie. I hope I outlive her so I can join in the dancing when she finnally goes down below

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