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Sheffield years ago

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You must have been shopping in Woodhouse at the same time as me. year 62 onwards. Remember the old Picture house on the corner, in the village, my boys used to rattle the railings. The corn merchants window full of corn cobs, never saw anybody go in there. the Chemiists' who were identical twins. Anderson's Supermarket and Keatons butchers, milk round and undertakers. They said that there were about 4/5 families in Woodhouse that ran the place. Mrs Amderson also taught in the local school.


Old Dr Jackson who lived in a big house across from Amdersons, his surgery was in his home which was full of antiques. He had a policy of children being seen immediately instead off waiting the queue. It was said he left his house to

be an old peoples home.

There was also lots of religion, I think I once counnted 7 different chapels/cchurches all in the village


Are these your memories of Woodhouse to.?



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The discussion seems to have moved to Woodhouse. What a great little village that was. I went to Woodhouse West School in the 50s. We lived on the Stradbroke Estate. The headmaster was Mr Vaughan. He used to call all the kids his "darlings," but don't get me wrong, he was just an all around nice guy. I didn't know Dr Jackson, Hazel, but his twin sons were in the same class as me at WW. Yes, I used to go to the old picture house. One time my friend and I tried to get in to see an "X" film . We were both underageand the cut off was 16. The lady at the kiosk asked me how old I was and I said "15and a half." Then she asked my friend and like a twit, he said "15 and three quarters." She told us to clear off. Another connection to Woodhouse: my girlfriend lived there. On Beaver Hill Rd. Anyone know what happened to Susan Hartley? Be interested to know, just for old time's sake.

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Hello Hazel, Yes I lived in Woodhouse from '57 to '74. I remember all the people you mentioned we lived next to the Chapel at the beginning of Chapel street nearly across from Dr Jacksons. Mrs Jackson was pretty well heeled some ancestor invented the 'Tilley lamp'

My husband Pete was born in Woodhouse and all his family came from there. Do you remember Shepherds the drapers with their really old fashioned clothes and the little shoe shop/cobblers?

Woodhouse 'names' would be Andersons, Keetons, Kays,

Sibleys, & Bernard Newbould at the little beer-off can't think of more- memory on the blink.

It was funny you know, come Sundays, the Chapel people going one way eyeing the Chapel people going 'tother. Anyone with a new hat would get a special stare.

Miss all that!! Mary

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I remember the shop run by the Shephards, I used to get odds and bobs there when my children were babies. I think Mrs Shepherd taught at Brockwood Park First School. these few familys hand a finger in everything.

Do you remember Dickinsons the newspaper shop owner, who was always in a bad mood. He awlays had beautiful china on display, that's probabley why he was always in a bad mood. I think Keetons butchers shop is still there.



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Oh I do know what you mean about Mr Dickinson- he got quite cross if you didn't pick up a magazine that you'd ordered. Do you remember the Mirfins that had a shop that sold just about everything but food? Wallpaper, hardware, undies, etc. Mrs Mirfin could sell snow to Eskimos, I kid you not.

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Hi rogG, sorry I didn't mean to be rude by not answering. My daughter went to Woodhouse West School from 1961 so you probably missed each other. We had many friends on the Stradbroke Estate- still know one ot two. My husbands Uncle lived at Ravenscroft Oval for many years.

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Hazel and Nanrobbo

Just been reading your posts, I have nothing to add but found them very interesting and I think it's so nice to relate to these memories I always hope at sometime someone may pop up who I can relate too.All the best girls

Regards Vera.

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I'm afraid all the major cities in in uk have gone down-hill I use to run away fm fulwood homes during the bombing raids I use to wander around the burning houses looking for food but i never remember feeling nervous untill i came back for visit fm canada, now that was scary, or maybe I'm just getting old

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Hi Nanrbbo rogG

Can't place Mrs Mirfin but sounds familier, I'm looking to go back to Woodhouse to live, so will be able to see the changes.


Nice to hear from you vhopkinson.

I hope you are keeping well and next time I visit Oz I shall I will I get Andy to bring me over for a coffee.



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Originally posted by burnttoast

I totally agree. I wish people would just stop pulling this place down. o.k..Its far from perfect but ive been to far worse places, :rant:


I agree Burnttoast - things may have changed but we have the Sheffield spirit through and through and theres nowt as lovely as Sheffield folk - people make a place!! :clap:

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