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Anyone from Wybourn?


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i was born on whites lane 1966 - does anyone remember my dads family his name was tom lee


Hi Lilymoo,


I lived at number 51 Whites Lane and I remember your Dad, he was a very good mate of mine. I was known as Mick Jordan (pronounced Jerden). Me and Tom went to School together. I knew his mum and dad they were nice people and he had 2 sisters as I remember.


I moved to Blackpool and we stayed in touch. Him and his wife came to visit me and my wife Doreen in Blackpool. You may have come too? I went to his funeral. He was a lovely man. He was the intelligent one out of our group of friends. I hope you read this message.


Anything else you want to know about him just let me know. I lived on Whites Lane from 1933 to 1954.


All the best,


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  • 1 month later...
If you take the time to tell us that, then why not tell us who you are. It make more sence :suspect:



Sorry for late reply not been on for a long while yes I suppose it would help my name is Steve Savage my sister is Carrol Herrick

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I moved to Wybourn from Hyde Park when I was 8 (1982), lived on Manor Oaks Close next door to the Cawthornes and next door but one to the Hessions, then on to Manor Oaks Road straight across from the school gates. Spent most of my time playing football on St Oswalds and Sky Edge.

Loved the place, my mum (Elaine Gibson) worked behind the bar in the Windsor and the Merry Monk and she's only just moved from there a year or so ago.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there Allthegearno,

Any members of your family called Harry.

When I played football for the Cricket Inn, Harry Savage was the Manager / Coach, what a great guy.

Some of the players were: Dick Hughes, Paddy Duddy, Joe Betts, Johnny Roper, Keith Murfin, Pete Smith, Barry Reynolds, Brian Balwin, John & Mick Armstrong, Graham Symcox, and me ( Mick Lister )

Anyone know where these guys are now.

I'm talking 1964 - 1968


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  • 3 months later...

i went to Wybourn School late 1950/1960, some of my classmates i can

remember. The late Barry Reynolds,Alan Strafford,Tommy Coldwell,Alan

Finney.John wasnidge,etc. The best School dinners ever were served up

at Wybourn, money was hard to come by but we knew how to enjoy



George warris


Hi George warrior. This is John wasnidge we went school together I live in brisbane qld Australia. Since 1981. Never been to Perth as some people say I no it is bit late but i never for get the wybourn. Got plaque on. Our house. John wasnidge

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