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Can you put a dead dog in a wheeley bin?

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Love the pic steadiman.


I put a dead kitten in the bin once. It had been hit by a car and was mashed up in a carrier bag (someone scooped it off the road and stuck it in a Tesco bag and put it on my doorstep - I wondered what it was when I was coming down the path but lo and behold there was Poppy in all her glory looking less lively than when I saw her last), so I decided the best thing to do was to dispose of her in the bin. She was small and although I thought she was cute and lovely, she was just a messy corpse. I didn't want to take her out of the bag so chose to carefully bin her. If I'd buried her, the smell of the blood on her would have attracted other animals and she'd have been dug up.

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There have been some funny responses to this thread which have really made me laugh and I know the OP isn't serious in his/her question BUT:


Cats and dogs are classed as clinical waste once they are dead (ie: toxic) and therefore should be disposed of as such. They must have a proper burial (in your garden or through pet funeral services) they cannot be placed in bins for the community disposal service (binmen) to pick up.


Google it.

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It has nothing to do with 'clinical waste'. Do you think that 'clinical waste' could be buried in your garden?


Dead pets are classed as "Category 1" Animal By-Products.

Regulations control their transportation and they should be disposed of by incineration or burial.


However, I have found at least one UK Council that specifically says that small pets can be disposed of in the bin.


I have found more than one Council that offer a free seperate collection service for dead pets, but the majority are a bit vague and wave you towards the vets.


Veolia do not specifically exclude pets from items that can be disposed of in the wheelie bins.

In fact their website makes no reference to pet disposal at all.

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With not having sufficient time (or space) to bury any of our animals that have ever died, and paying for collection is way out of our price range (our last quote was £80+) we have always rapped them up, placed them in a box, and placed them in the bin, never had any come back from it, What else could we do honestly?


Im sorry but if you can afford the up keep of pets for so many years you can afford to dispose of them properly. Part and parcel of having a pet!!! Not many people think about this cost when they get pets!! Angers me!!

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Nice... Yes just chuck it in the bin... only another dog (not the 1st one you quote). Cannot afford to give it a rightful send off, but could afford to feed it every day for however long?. Think your children will be able to afford for your funeral, costs more than £80 my love???. Think they should stick you in bin as well, but bugger to rapping you up!!!


Here here xx

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