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Can you put a dead dog in a wheeley bin?

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this thread aint half mekin me chuckle xx we had a german shepherd n when it died we had vet cramate her cost me £150 bloody pounds shes in this awfull mahogany urn with the name polly on the front engraved:gag: its creepy i keep putting it away in a cupbored out of sight and then hubby gets it out n insists on putting it on show :gag: lol then i put it back again :hihi: this has been going on for about ten years lol in out in out xxx bet the poor dogs dizzy even though shes dead x still miss her though :(

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Would anyone at the tip once he arrived and was sifted out really want to identify the dog and where he originated from? Would they check or just dispose of him? Indeed would he even be noticed at all?


He may get a free cremation at the Bernard Road incinerator :)

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I don't intend to do this before you animal lovers start chastising me!


Can you put your dead dog in the wheeley bin to be taken away with all your other refuse or is there some bi law which prohibits this?


I suppose this would all depend on the size of your dog and the length of time before the bin is collected. If my dog died on a Wednesday and my bin is collected on a Thursday, I suppose this would be OK, but if he died at the weekend and had to wait most of the week to be collected does this then become an environmental hazzard?


I never thought about all the questions that would have to arise from this idea.


Would he have to go in a seperate bin bag or could he go in loose?


Would it be better putting him in head first or tail first for the best fit to put my other bin bags to go in around him?


I suppose its better to put him in there before he goes stiff as it might be awkward.


Also, if I was having a fire, could I put my dog on the fire and cremate him or would he have to go to a licensed crematorium?


Is this a joke ? My little dog died last weekend of old age and it would never cross my mind just to put him in the bin .if you really love your dog then give him/her a good send off like i did and find a nice little place in the garden and put him / her there with a head stone . Put it this way when you die would you like it if you family just put your body in the bin ready for collection day ? Dont mean to rant but a if i know anybody that just put there died dog in the bin its owner would be in the next collection !

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does that mean you can put people in those bins too:hihi:


I'm afraid not - there are laws against that. My dad's preferred method of disposal was to be chucked in the big skips at the back of his flat, but he had to have a standard cremation. He was probably turning in the incinerator at the thought of all that money wasted (he was from Barnsley).

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Is this a joke ? My little dog died last weekend of old age and it would never cross my mind just to put him in the bin .if you really love your dog then give him/her a good send off like i did and find a nice little place in the garden and put him / her there with a head stone . Put it this way when you die would you like it if you family just put your body in the bin ready for collection day ? Dont mean to rant but a if i know anybody that just put there died dog in the bin its owner would be in the next collection !


Actually, yes, I would be quite happy to be bunged in the bin - once I'm dead, of course.

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I was recently on a bus that clipped and killed a small dog on Hucklow Road. The driver, who was clearly distressed at killing such a lovely little dog, picked the dog up and put it on the grass verge. The rather gobby owner of the dog started to remonstrate with the driver who told her that as dogs were no longer licensed, his duty was to move the dog out of the way of further traffic and that he was not duty bound to inform anyone of the incident.


He told the dog's owner that if they rang the council someone would come out and take it away for disposal.


I am not an animal person but surely if you have looked after an animal for a number of years then do as you would be done by.


Ring your local vet or the RSPCA when the time comes.


Failing that, can I suggest a marinade of............

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Is this a joke ? My little dog died last weekend of old age and it would never cross my mind just to put him in the bin .if you really love your dog then give him/her a good send off like i did and find a nice little place in the garden and put him / her there with a head stone . Put it this way when you die would you like it if you family just put your body in the bin ready for collection day ? Dont mean to rant but a if i know anybody that just put there died dog in the bin its owner would be in the next collection !


When you move house will you dig up the dog and take it with you?

Surely the new owners of the house will not want to do a bit of gardening to find dog remains, nor will they want a headstone in their garden.


Maybe this putting dogs in bins is the future! All those vets had better worry!

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When you move house will you dig up the dog and take it with you?

Surely the new owners of the house will not want to do a bit of gardening to find dog remains, nor will they want a headstone in their garden.


Maybe this putting dogs in bins is the future! All those vets had better worry!


Well no i'v only just moved in and hope to live in my house for along time but no i would'nt dig him up i would leave him there !

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Well no i'v only just moved in and hope to live in my house for along time but no i would'nt dig him up i would leave him there !



What would happen if your garden was flooded or waterlogged and your dog floated out of the ground and floated away?

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