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Boys brigade - Does it still exist?

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I was in in the BB for a short space of time early 70's. can't remember its name/number but it was based at the top of Sutherland Road and Petre street. We Marched from there (it was a real big dealwith loads turning out to watch) to Firth park which seemed like miles but very enjoyable and on the way we would meet and join up with other bands and churches or organisations I thought it was great. It wasn't until years later that found out kids/people where doing the same on the same day marching to Meersbrook Hillsborugh and Western park never knew that's pretty awesome. This would never happen in this day and age NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was the 57th Company at Petre Street Methodist. If you look on page 2 of this, there is someone called ADNIL who also went there.

Albert Drury Smith was the Captain I think - he was also 4th District Chairman and was heart and soul in BB - I knew him well when I was 4th District Secretary. Last thing I knew about 10 years ago his son was running a company at Unstone which had both boys and girls.


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I can remember both the Battalion and District parades when Mr. Drury Smith would march us off. The Battalion parade started from the old fruit and veg market at the bottom of Exchange Street. We marched to Calver Street Chapel which was full to the rafters with officers and boys of the brigade, lifting the roof slates with our hymn.

"We have an Anchor". If only the drinkers in the now, 'Walkabout Pub' could hear us.

Our District Parades started from the junction of Bolsover Road and Firth Park Road at Page Hall to march to the chapel at the bottom of Sicey Avenue.

"Parade will advance in column of route, Number 1 Company leading". Oh the memories.

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  • 3 months later...

The Boys' Brigade is still alive and well in Sheffield, celebrating its 125th Anniversary on October the 4th 2008. For those interested in catching up on old times the Sheffield Battalion will be displaying memorabilia at the Sheffield Traditional Heritage Museum on Ecclesall Road on the 27th of September. This is next door to Endcliffe Methodist Church, the former home of the 21a Comapny. The Battalion Band used to practice in the hall which is now the Museum. And yes we do still parade from time to time, although the traffic makes it harder to do these days. The 125 celebration Parade will be at Firth Park Methodist Church on October 12th. To find out more about the Boys Brigade in Sheffield visit the Battalion web site. sheffield.boys-brigade.org.uk

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The Boys' Brigade is still alive and well in Sheffield, celebrating its 125th Anniversary on October the 4th 2008. For those interested in catching up on old times the Sheffield Battalion will be displaying memorabilia at the Sheffield Traditional Heritage Museum on Ecclesall Road on the 27th of September. This is next door to Endcliffe Methodist Church, the former home of the 21a Comapny. The Battalion Band used to practice in the hall which is now the Museum. And yes we do still parade from time to time, although the traffic makes it harder to do these days. The 125 celebration Parade will be at Firth Park Methodist Church on October 12th. To find out more about the Boys Brigade in Sheffield visit the Battalion web site. sheffield.boys-brigade.org.uk

Hi MarkyB, Good to hear from you that Sheffield Battalion is still alive and kicking. I know having talked to Irene Reynolds and Les Cusworth that my old company, 53rd at Grimesthorpe WR Chapel still struggles on. Do you know if my old friends Barry Trigg and Malcolm Cook are still involved ? If so please pass my best wishes to them.

I will have a look at your website.

Best wishes to all of you at Sheffield Battalion from us at Teesside Battalion.

John Moore

President, Teesside Battalion

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The Boys' Brigade is still alive and well in Sheffield, celebrating its 125th Anniversary on October the 4th 2008. For those interested in catching up on old times the Sheffield Battalion will be displaying memorabilia at the Sheffield Traditional Heritage Museum on Ecclesall Road on the 27th of September. This is next door to Endcliffe Methodist Church, the former home of the 21a Comapny. The Battalion Band used to practice in the hall which is now the Museum. And yes we do still parade from time to time, although the traffic makes it harder to do these days. The 125 celebration Parade will be at Firth Park Methodist Church on October 12th. To find out more about the Boys Brigade in Sheffield visit the Battalion web site. sheffield.boys-brigade.org.uk


Hello Mark. I was in the 21st, have you any idea why there was a 21a?

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Hello Mark. I was in the 21st, have you any idea why there was a 21a?

In the past when it was decided to start a new company, probably after approaches to the Battalion, an existing one nearby, or maybe one who had some sort of link to that Church or area, was asked to help out and provide some of the start up staff. In such cases the designation "a" was used and the company was initially called a "Platoon". So it would be usual for the 21a company to have started as a platoon of the 21st.

Whether that happened in this case someone who knows the Companies in Sheffield may confirm or not.


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Hi MarkyB, Good to hear from you that Sheffield Battalion is still alive and kicking. I know having talked to Irene Reynolds and Les Cusworth that my old company, 53rd at Grimesthorpe WR Chapel still struggles on. Do you know if my old friends Barry Trigg and Malcolm Cook are still involved ? If so please pass my best wishes to them.

I will have a look at your website.

Best wishes to all of you at Sheffield Battalion from us at Teesside Battalion.

John Moore

President, Teesside Battalion



Yes Barry is still active at the 23rd and Malcolm still keeps his hand in at the 2nd

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Hello John, I hope you are well and thanks for that. Another mystery cleared up.


I agree with Joh as to the "a" suffixs. I'm not 100% on this but another use of the "a" was for companies which originally were Life Boy only companies which didn't have a company section. Lost in the mists of time these companies grew into full companies but never lost the a. M.

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