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Boys brigade - Does it still exist?

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Hey guys,


I'm a current member of the 54th BB (still down at Firth Park). I've just designed us a new website (54thsheffbb.co.uk) and it would be nice to have some old photos of the Brigade to add to it. Also, if you're a former member of the 54th it would be nice for you to talk to us on our Facebook page.


Now that shameless plug is over, I'm happy to answer any questions you have about the Brigade in its current form :)



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Hillsborough Baptist Boys' Brigade and Life Boys

Does anyone remember Dora Harvey who was Life Boy Leader for many, many years in the 1940s, 50s and 60s, and Eric Newton and Jack Torr who ran the BB? Are LBs and BB still running at Hillsborough Baptist does anyone know?

I have a very old photograph of the Life Boy group with Dora, Eric and Jack - think it's late 50s/early 60s.

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Hiya Gardnerbrian. I was in the BB 54th Firth Park. Joined the Life Boys First around 1954/55 I think. Then went into the BB used to enjoy it tremendously. Remember Ben Wing was captain he had a son also in the brigade, think his name was David. He was a big lad, a bit backward as we used to say. Peter Cooper who you mentioned, Gardnerbrian, was/is my cousin he was one of the senior members. I joined with a couple of school friends Stuart Varley and Kevin Hartley. We went to Jersey one year camping with the BB. Had some good fun. Them were the days

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Hiya All


I used to be in the 57th company at Petre St Methodist Church Pitsmoor when Albert Smith was captain and his officers were Lionel & Derek Inbest (brothers) and Barry Delayne ,great times ,when we used to parade in different parishes Albert used to take us all in his van, NO, waggon more like,

it had a picture of a bulls head on the doors we used to call it the 'slaughter waggon ' for taking cattle to the abbatoir but it never bothered Albert when we rolled up on a sunday morning in it and we all came out with straw all over us, he knew we were all there, not correct ,but present, Our camp site used to be in Skeggy (can't remember where) too long ago I made it upto Staff Sgt, and played the big drum, on a march to firth park from pitsmoor it got rather heavy I used to be wet through , my mate, Malcolm Mcdonald was

made upto an officer the last time I heard he was a fencing (swords ) competitor for some games

Thanks for the memories, also the brigade anthem ,still knew it tho, not heard it for ages.

Ciao Ian m

Are you sure that wasn't Michael McDonald,-he of Edgar St. not the Doobie Bros- as Malcolm was an ex-Arsenal and Newcastle United footballer

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Does the Boys brigade still exist today.

I was in Andover Street as a kid and used to go on the spring bank holiday marches to Firthpark.

They used to get a large following and it was a long walk to Firth Park from Pitsmoor in them days.

I have some old 8mm footage now transfered on to video of the march coming up Barnsley Road about 1964 with all my family and little old blonde me.

Do you think that todays kids would take part in anything like that, its hard to see an 8 year old with a boys brigade uniform on today.


I was in the Andover St Methedist Church Boys Brigade for years and did the march to Firthpark several times thanks for bringing back the memories,My Parents also followed there and back

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Hi all yes Brooklyn I remember old Albert he encouraged me to pursue a career in the BB fond memories he involved himself in about everything as long as it was the boys who benefitted from it. Glad that so many of us old boys think of him.I was under Capt Simms then Ben Wing and his son Squeeky Dave. then there was Summner from Southey Charlie Wise Grimesthorpe was it Abbey at Fir ValeThe good old days. No its hard to imagine boys of today i8n uniform but its there bad luck dont know what they missed. all the very best to you all.

OH what did they call the Cap of Pittsmoor his son was Kieth????

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Hi all yes Brooklyn I remember old Albert he encouraged me to pursue a career in the BB fond memories he involved himself in about everything as long as it was the boys who benefitted from it. Glad that so many of us old boys think of him.I was under Capt Simms then Ben Wing and his son Squeeky Dave. then there was Summner from Southey Charlie Wise Grimesthorpe was it Abbey at Fir ValeThe good old days. No its hard to imagine boys of today i8n uniform but its there bad luck dont know what they missed. all the very best to you all.

OH what did they call the Cap of Pittsmoor his son was Kieth????


Hi The Captain at Andover st Methodist was Cheetham,his son was Kieth,he was in charge of the Sheffield Battalion if my memory serves me right.

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