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Niagara therapy.

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Could you please show us exactly what it is that they use that is licensed by the MHRA?


I take you for a rude cynic.


I've got nothing personal to gain from any comment on this site.


I didn't actually realise it was an old post .... sue me for not being so detailed in noticing the date ... my mistake


Yes I searched for the topic, only having relatively recently been introduced to it myself ... but unlike some .... i.e. YOU ..... who will pass judgement without any research, I decided to look in to their claims and gain further information of a factual nature. Having come across this, I believed I was helping someone who wanted info, by providing some from my own findings.


Anyway - I said my bit and this is turning in to the typical forum bull of side-swiping and throwing insults whilst hiding behind the safety of a distant keyboard. I shall leave you to your opinion ... you are welcome to it.


I wish you all the best with your own company.

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  • 3 months later...

My Father-in-law (86 years old and suffering from a terminal brain tumour) was sold a chair by Niagara in December 2014 that he neither wants nor needs for £3,770. The contract that he was asked to sign does not comply with current consumer legislation in that it does not give proper notice of cancellation rights and is, therefore, technically unenforceable. However, the Niagara Rep took a cheque for the full amount before he left so there's not much chance of getting that back.

I've written to the company asking for a refund and pointing out that failing to provided cancellation rights is a criminal offence but what chance they will reply?

A company search shows that the company has a value of minus £1m but, amazingly (!) a parent company with lots of (protected) money.

I will sue, just to make their life bit more uncomfortable.

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I'm really sorry for those that have had a problem, my Mum never bought anything or handed over any money I rang them and told them that she wasn't interested and not to call or contact her again, they couldn't as it happened as she had to move into a flat shortly afterwards.


Sue away...To prey on the vulnerable is the lowest of the low, please let us know how you get on with them and good luck.

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