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Has there ever been a prison in Sheffield?


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This is surprising, that there was never any proper prison in Sheffield.

If you want to go really back in history to the Middle Ages, the Castle (Almost no trace left) will have served as a prison, with plenty of dungeon space in its basements as any castle would.

If the Markets are being redeveloped, any archaeological work will surely reveal some intact or nearly intact dungeons or at least some of those famous hidden tunnels which doubtless were connected with them...

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Hollowmeadows was a borstal on the road out of Rivelin.


Wrong, my friend. Borstals had not been heard of when Hollow Meadows was in its prime.


Owned by Sheffield Corporation, it was a sort of punishment centre for boys who could not be controlled either at school or in the home. My father was sent there, and among other things he was taught woodwork; a skill that served him well during the 1920s and early 30s when work was hard to find and dole money hardly covered a married man’s expenses.


However, while he used his new found skills to earn a shilling or two extra (he also had a garden to provide us with vegetables), the hollow meadows regime failed to cure him of his tempers.


A few years ago now I started a thread on the subject of cruel fathers, and mine was among them. Hollow Meadows, I believe, did do some good — but not enough.


The building is still there, but is now a private house.

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And before Scotland street the debtors gaol was on King street - then known as Pudding lane.


There was also a 'lock-up' under the first town hall at the entrance to the churchyard.


Hello Greybeard. It’s nice to know that after my three years absence there are still one or four names I still recognise. It’s also good to know that if one old-timer cannot answer a question about Sheffield, another can.


I know a lot about Sheffield but this one had me stumped.

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Hello Greybeard. It’s nice to know that after my three years absence there are still one or four names I still recognise. It’s also good to know that if one old-timer cannot answer a question about Sheffield, another can.


I know a lot about Sheffield but this one had me stumped.


Nice to see you back Peter. Did you notice the old 'tunnels' thread is still going ?


There doesn't seem to be much interest in local history these days in this section, most posters seem to be doing their family tree; hopefully some of them will get side-tracked into local history.


Have you done anything about archiving your knowledge of Sheffield history ? I'll be embarking on a web site soon which my daughter will continue with once I'm no longer able.

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There has never been a borstal or detention centre (short sharp shock) in Sheffield. These institutions were run by Her Majestys prison service (HMP) . If a person of 17-21 was sent to borstal they would have first been sent to an allocation prison ie Armley and Strangeways Manchester. Its also worth mentioning that the sentence of borstal training could only be given in the crown court, so it was a serious sentence. There is plenty of information in this thread about the history of borstal abolished over 20yrs ago. You might notice Shirecliffe house is mentioned in the above list of local authority remand homes. They had the powers to recommend care orders, and in some cases detention centre.

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