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Write any book in 28 days


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Have any of you seen this or even bought it? I just find it fantastic that anyone could believe it could work. Surely if it was that easy then everyone would be doing it. Maybe we ought to create a cd and sell if for 50 pounds. I am sure it would just be as helpful. lol


On a more serious note. What tools do you use to help you in your writing? Apart from Ms word or Openoffice. Is there any tools that can help? Even if it is just somewhere to store character and plot details.

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I've never heard of Nick Daws... has anyone else?


Things like that have become more common as Nanowrimo has become more popular.


It is possible to write a book in a few weeks: it just depends on what sort of quality you're looking for, and what extent the book has.


As for writing tools, I find a big notebook and a nice, fine-point pen works best for me. Along with a stack of post-its for reminders, some index cards for keeping track of submissions, and a big bag to put it all into.


There are lots of different programs that you can use, but I've not found any to be any more helpful than Word. And most of the reviews I've read of them have been pretty low, too.

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You still use a pen and a notepad? I tend to use openoffice and I had a try at newnovelist. I used it once and put it back into the box. I think most of the tools are distractions from writing. Although my mind is open in case there are any good ones.

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Nice link Mwhateley,


I was particularly impressed by this claim.


"With your help, I've just finished my second fiction adventure novel!"


-Patrick O'Brien, http://www.adventures-in-australia.com


Wow! if Patrick O’Brian uses it I want one! But just a minute, Patrick O’Brian the author has written at least 20 novels to my knowledge, also


O'Brian wrote all of his books and stories by hand, shunning both typewriter and word processor.


Ah, I see, It obviously it must be another Patrick O’Brian.


I think this sales technique is known as “Passing off.”

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I write in longhand because I've typed so much over the years I've got bad RSI. I use Dragon Naturally Speaking for typing, where I can. It's good, but not great.


RSI is not a good thing. I was a computer programmer for ten years so I can sympathise. I have tried Speach recognition software and they are getting better.

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My kids give me lots of ideas by there incessant question asking. I tend to go off on a tangent with the answers and end up giving my self an idea for a story. I often think of a title and then the story comes out of that. Is that unusual?

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My brother-in-law is an experienced writer and is working on his 11th book (I think:huh:) at the moment. It takes him at least a year to write a book and so I doubt anyone could write a good book in 28 days. Perhaps the book you are describing was itself written in 28 days and is therefore (as I suspect) rubbish:)

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