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How many old manuscripts do you have.


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I just wondered how many of you have old manuscripts that you wrote and never did anything with. I have two. One I wrote about ten years ago, it was called, 'Beyond the limit'. Still got it somewhere. Another one is 'A killer in mind'. I read it now and see glaring holes in it that need work, but the premise is still workable. Are you like me, keep popping out stories but never do anything with them?

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  • 4 months later...
I just wondered how many of you have old manuscripts that you wrote and never did anything with. I have two. One I wrote about ten years ago, it was called, 'Beyond the limit'. Still got it somewhere. Another one is 'A killer in mind'. I read it now and see glaring holes in it that need work, but the premise is still workable. Are you like me, keep popping out stories but never do anything with them?


HI All

sorry for bringing this post back up.

but it is on the lines of what i'm looking for.

Many moons ago (about 20 yrs) My Mum Wrote about 20-25 short stories.

a couple of Horror.some Sad,some with the Awww factor.

they are really good and very interesting. i know im no expert,

and the people who have read them say,there great why not have them

published, now i did write off about this but

it was going to cost £100's:o

so they have been stuck in her drawer all this time,

never to see daylight,and to me this is such a shame.

i typed them all out for her,as she just scribbled them down on writing paper.

i think there is about enough to put in a small book.

now my mum is 74.i thought it might be a nice thought to have them

put into a small book.?

how do i go on about doing this please.?

do i have to set them out in a certain way.?

any advice would be greatfully recieved.

I also think some of her stories could even be made into a film.?

made longer of course.

or just have it done for her as a suprise.

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That sounds like a lovely idea for a 75th birthday present or similar!


I think if I were you I would get someone else (ideally a secretary or someone) to check the typing and layout – no-one ever notices their own typos! – and then just put the stories in a nice binder. You could make your own using a simple d-i-y bookbinding kit and perhaps put a laminated family photo or two on the front.


I reckon you’d make a better job of it than some of those self-publishing outfits that charge hundreds for the privilege.

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If it's any help, there's a bookbinder in - I believe - Orchard Square in town (address is Workshop 8, The Craft Centre) Tel: 272 4198


I imagine she would also give you advice on layout, especially for margins etc., so it looks right when it's bound.

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Thank you

i will call in there next time i'm in town.

take it with me see what needs to be done.

its such a shame to be just stuck in the drawer

they are really nice stories.

i have a friend who is a secetary.i might ask her to look over it for me.

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yikes! i have folders full of brainstorming, plots, characters, short stories, long stories and a multitude of poetry. I did concider passing a story on to hopefully get published in book form, but i doubt my skills to much.. well that and i never seem to leave it alone, change this... alter that. the true never ending story hehe

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There's no need to pay for bookbinding or anything similar.


Go to http://www.lulu.com and you'll be able to download them and make them into a POD book. You'll then be able to buy as many copies as you want. You'll have to pay for postage from the USA but it's not too steep.


There's a similar POD printer in Milton Keynes, called Lightning Source, which you could Google for. I don't know so much about them, but it might work out cheaper.

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Goodness, I had no idea that lulu books were so reasonably priced. My idea was to use a home-made binder for a personalised gift, but it's true with lulu you have the option of getting more copies printed if other family members want them.


Are the books good quality? Someone gave me a self-published book once (can't remember which publisher) and the pages were already falling out even though it was brand new. It was full of typos as well :|

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