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What is love?

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What exactly is love?Are there different levels of love?

Can you love people in,i dunno,different ways?:suspect:

If you really deeply love someone,does that last forever,no matter what?

What are your views on this subject?

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I think there are definate different levels of love, depending on your relationship to the person you love, family friends, partner etc.


I don't love my mum in the same way I love my best friend for example, but there is no doubting I love them both dearly.


In terms of loving a partner, if you truly love them, I donm't think that ever goes away and even if you fall "out" of love, you will always hold a small space in your heart for them for the rest of your life.

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i agree there are lots of different levels of love, i don't love my mother the same way i love my partner.


in the end it is said we have 3 stages of love, the love for our parents when we are children, we then love our life partners more than our parents and then we love our own children more than we love our partner...


i have found personally that to be true, since i do love my partner more than i love my mother or father.

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i agree there are lots of different levels of love, i don't love my mother the same way i love my partner.


in the end it is said we have 3 stages of love, the love for our parents when we are children, we then love our life partners more than our parents and then we love our own children more than we love our partner...


i have found personally that to be true, since i do love my partner more than i love my mother or father.


i dont belive in loving partner more than parents, i wouldnt give up a partner for a parent though as its my life to do as i please.


to me its kids first, then parents then partner, but as i have not got a partner now its kids first then my mother

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I love my partner, I love my mother, and I used to love my pet cat.


All three feelings are entirely different. It's a shortcoming of the English language that we only have one word to cover all three of them.


We havent just one word. I think you'll find 'lust' is a better word to describe your feelings toward your cat.:hihi:

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For me love represents a time that was the happiest, and saddest time of my life, a feeling so overwhelming nothing else mattered.


To suddenly find myself in love for the first time was a feeling, so strong I even had to speak to him in the middle of the night. He was the first person that came into my head when I woke, and the last person I thought about at night, and all the moments in between.


He is the nicest, most honest man I have ever met, and I shared things with him that I could never share with anyone else, nor would I want to.


I know in the end I hurt him because of things I wasn't allowed to tell him, and I only hope one day he can forgive me, I live in hope that he would just tell me he knew how much I loved him. I am now paying the price for falling in love, and its not an emotion I would want to engage in again partly because no one will ever match up to him.


Never having had a child I wouldn't know how this measures up in terms of love, but if I had to make a choice between this man and my family, then he would have been my choice, it was only circumstances beyond my control that prevented it.

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In terms of loving a partner, if you truly love them, I donm't think that ever goes away and even if you fall "out" of love, you will always hold a small space in your heart for them for the rest of your life.



Yes, I agree. Just cos you stop seeing some, for whatever reason, the love you once had doesnt go away over night and it can be a very painful experience. When the pain subsides that is replaced, in some cases, with fond memories and such.

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