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What is love?

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Alas I am bound by my faith and cannot participate in mortal pleasures. :hihi:


There is a singles thread on the forum though. When you get desperate enough ... not that the people who post on the thread are desperate ... look - I'll grab my coat and leave sharpish now before I put my other boot in my mouth. :hihi:


You do that hunni :hihi:

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Good job we are all different then. When I give myself I give 100 percent. Anything less is not the same. Sure I get hammered. hey ho! Such is life. Why the heck would I want to hold back - just in case? Bit negative that, and not something I would ever like to base my future on - the thought that I should keep something in reserve just in case. That is like asking for it to go wrong.

Love me; chew me up; spit me out. I'll just get back up on my feet and learn to live again.

What does not kill me just makes me stronger.


Of course you will...but your life will be a constant barrage of being screwed...and not because of their doing I might add.


I never said "hold back". I said in essence be aware of who you are. To be prepared to go through life on the basis "chew me up spit me out" for love seems very self destructive...if not negative.


What you're saying is..."this is me do as you please"? Would you respect someone who gave you that option?


Again you're right...we're all different, thankfully.

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Of course you will...but your life will be a constant barrage of being screwed...and not because of their doing I might add.


I never said "hold back". I said in essence be aware of who you are. To be prepared to go through life on the basis "chew me up spit me out" for love seems very self destructive...if not negative.


What you're saying is..."this is me do as you please"? Would you respect someone who gave you that option?


Again you're right...we're all different, thankfully.


I like my life thanks. Better than some folk. Worse than others. Everyone gets screwed in the end anyhow. It is how we deal with it that counts.

How can I not be aware of who I am?


I think you can either look at love in a negative, fearful light, and always be looking over your shoulder - always be suspicious, always be ready to point the finger, or you can accept that it will have its ups and downs. Hedging your bets with love never really helps, especially when it gets to your partner that you are holding back. And how many times have we seen some poor so and so suffering because of that.


"Love me; chew me up; spit me out. Whatever does not kill me just makes me stronger" is not an open invite. It is saying that no matter what you decide to do, when the love is gone I will still stand up and walk the path.

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Love is an endless commitment through better or worse that defines 2 people with similar ideals.


Those ideals change through the course of peoples lives, people change, love fades, there are few that love purely, even less that can make a relationship work and not break over petty differences.


If you wallow in self pity over that which is lost you do nothing but pause in time, those that end relationships hoping for greener grass often seem more upset than ever, with fake "im doing great, im on top of the world" comments.


If your not willing to trust then call it quits, trust is paramount to any relationship and if it is not there you are just denying yourself a bout of self respect.

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