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What is love?

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Yeah my animals have liked Andy more then any of the other people I have seen since I split up with my long term boyfriend last year:D I trust them! I think they know how much he likes them. They know more then people give them credit for! Love is definately my furries!


Yeah Daz mentioned Jake bit you:hihi: Was it hard? Little bugger!! I think it means he's falen for you though!;)


Jake was after my blood- he's an evil bird :hihi:, and his language is pretty bad too. Don't know here he gets it from???

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Yeah my animals have liked Andy more then any of the other people I have seen since I split up with my long term boyfriend last year:D I trust them! I think they know how much he likes them. They know more then people give them credit for! Love is definately my furries!


Yeah Daz mentioned Jake bit you:hihi: Was it hard? Little bugger!! I think it means he's falen for you though!;)


Did I hear my name!? :o Yeah I love your animals :D Miss not having any of my own! Not that they're why I'm with you of course, just an added bonus :D Me and Ginge had words remember right at the beginning, so she knows what I think :) Had to get them on-side first didn't I? :hihi:

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When Love beckons to you,

follow him.

Though his ways

are hard and steep.


And when his wings enfold you

yield to him

Though the sword

hidden among his pinions

may wound you


And when he speaks to you

believe in him

Though his voice

may shatter your dreams

as the north wind

lays waste the garden


For even as Love crowns you

so shall he crucify you.

Even as he is for your growth

so is he for your pruning


Even as he ascends to your height

and caresses your tenderest branches

that quiver in the sun,

so shall he descend to your roots

and shake them

in their clinging to the earth


Like sheaves of corn

he gathers you to himself

He threshes you

to make you naked

He sifts you

to free you from your husks

He grinds you to whiteness

He kneads you til you are pliant


And then he assigns you

to his sacred fire,

that you may become

sacred bread

for God's sacred feast


All these things

shall love do unto you

that you may know

the secrets of your heart,

and in that knowledge

become a fragment

of Life's heart.


But if in your fear

you would seek

only love's peace

and love's pleasure

Then it is better for you

that you cover

your nakedness

and pass out of

love's threshing floor,

Into the seasonless world

where you shall laugh,

but not all of your laughter,

and weep,

but not all of your tears.


Love gives naught

but itself

and takes naught

but from itself


Loves possesses not

nor would it be possessed

For love

is sufficient

unto Love


And think not

that you can direct

the course of Love

for Love,

if it finds you worthy,

directs your course


Love has no other desire

but to fulfil itself

But if you love

and have needs

and desires, l

et these be your desires


To melt and be

like a running brook

that sings in melody

to the night


To know the pain

of too much tenderness

To be wounded

by your own understanding

of love


And to bleed


and willingly


To wake at dawn

with a winged heart

and give thanks

for another day

of loving


To rest at the noon hour

and meditate love's ecstasy;

To return at eventide

with gratitude


And then to sleep

with a prayer for the beloved

in your heart

and a song of praise upon your lips


Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet

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Did I hear my name!? :o Yeah I love your animals. Miss not having any of my own! Not that they're why I'm with you of course, just an added bonus :D Me and Ginge had words remember right at the beginning, so she knows what I think :) Had to get them on-side first didn't I? :hihi:


Of course you had to get them on side-do you think I'd even consider being with anyone who they weren't happy with??!:hihi:


Although I do remember the words you had with Ginger-I think it was before we were even officially together. You promised her you would treat me well if I remember correctly, but she knows she doesn't have to worry about it any more:)


You miss not having your own animals? Well I did say you could share mine, but I think I need to rescue another cat and then it can be yours but live at my house:P What an excuse to get another baba!!:D

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Of course you had to get them on side-do you think I'd even consider being with anyone who they weren't happy with??!:hihi:


Although I do remember the words you had with Ginger-I think it was before we were even officially together. You promised her you would treat me well if I remember correctly, but she knows she doesn't have to worry about it any more:)


You miss not having your own animals? Well I did say you could share mine, but I think I need to rescue another cat and then it can be yours but live at my house:P What an excuse to get another baba!!:D


Naaa it was after we were going out, remember, we'd been out for tea with J&C on Sunday night and I stayed at yours for a bit :)


And don't use me as an excuse to get more animals :P As if you need an excuse!! [/color]

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  • 2 weeks later...
Naaa it was after we were going out, remember, we'd been out for tea with J&C on Sunday night and I stayed at yours for a bit :)


And don't use me as an excuse to get more animals :P As if you need an excuse!! [/color]


Oh yeah, that curry wasn't it? And then you used my rodents as an excuse to come back for a cuddle! I remember now! God that seems ages ago, but it was less then two months:)


I don't need an excuse, but you are a good one! I am so SO broody for another baby, rescuing Izzy hasn't cured the itch I'm afraid!

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