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What gadget would you get from this site?

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heres what id get:


L39 Jet

The L39 is a Russian Air Force jet. Fairly similar to our RAF Hawk which sells at around £5 million, at only £199,999.99 it's a bargain!

Simple to fly, this sporty little number attains jet speeds and has the added attraction of BRI rocket assisted ejection seats for getting rid of annoying back seat drivers. The cockpit is fully air-conditioned as standard and the windscreen is anti-iced for those cold morning starts.


Though its speed from 0-60 is not phenomenal, it'll get you to 16,400 feet in under five minutes, which puts paid to your commuting nightmares (though landing in heavily built-up areas is not advised). For a really good view the L39 can climb up to 36,000 feet. It holds 276 gallons / 1,225 litres of fuel, has a flying time of about two and half hours and a max speed of 435mph. So in top gear you'll get about four miles to the gallon, which doesn't stack up much against your standard saloon for economy, but hey, it's a fighter jet.


The L39 comes painted to your own specification (we advise against Iraqi military colours if flying around the home counties), and with western radios installed - so great for Dolly Parton fans. Any extra avionics would be fitted as extra and all military ordnance would be removed - so no guns, unfortunately.


why you ask.. do i really need a reason to own a fighter jet :lol:

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I'm with RPG for the jet - the customer comment alone make it a worthy purchase.


Plenty of opportunity to use it as we have loads of airfield out east of sheffield.


I would use it to scramble whenever the police helicopter starts hovering overhead at 2am and give them a fright.




Large areas of Kazakhstan


Although on second thoughts maybe the Orbital Space Getaway would probably sway me. Admittedly it's a one shot deal, a fighter plane could be fun everyday (although how many of us could afford to run one?).

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