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Anyone go to the Sacred Heart School?


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Any of the older members went to the Sacred Heart School? I went there near the end of world war 2. The school was located on a side road off I believe Penistone Road and not far from the Wednesday ground. Correct me if I'm wrong. The teachers were all nuns and a terrifying bunch they were to a five year old. Cant remember any of their names but there was a canon Dunsford and there was a church right next door to the school. The school itself was a little old red brick single storey building with steps leading up to the entrance. There was a head teacher, a mr. Slaven who died of jaundice. I remember my mother telling me this. The school was still there in 1983 when I took my daughter to see it while on a visit to England and I remember telling her how I managed to get my head stuck between the iron railings one day which understandably she found vert amusing.

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Yes, it is still there, but not where you said. It's at the corner of Ripley Street and Langsett Road opposite the barracks, the church and school are both going strong!

The school you're probably getting mixed up with is Parkside which is very near the Wednesday ground, and that is thriving too!

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Hi jomarch,

Yes, the school was opposite the barracks. Forgot to mention that. I was threatened with a caning on my first day there because one of the nuns said I had damaged one of the bars of a fire guard. There used to be a store across the street (long gone I'm sure) that used to use those metal cylinders to send paperwork through tubes around the store. I can still remember the sound they made. I saw my first jet plane from the school yard. It was a Gloster Meteor and the noise and speed were unbelievable.

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I think it is along time since anyone got the cane there- but maybe you could contact the school and share your memories- I'm sure they would be interested to know.

The nuns have gone now, the last one left in the 1980s I think. Sister Maud- used to see her sitting in the park outside the library, and there was another one called John Bosco.

I didn't go to that school but my children did.

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  • 2 years later...

Remember the school very well.Attended there from 1953 until leaving in 59....remember the nuns and the priest who would throw a stick of chalk at any kid that was not paying attention. Also Mr Finnigan who used to weild the meanest slipper on the kids backside. Those were the days, and they say spare the rod these days. wonder how many students are still around from that era.

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  • 6 months later...

I went to Sacred Heart from 1954 - 1960. Teachers I remember were Sister Mary Rose , Miss Darley , Miss Dineen , Mrs Rigby , Mrs Simmerson. My Father also went there as did my children and now my 2 grandchildren ,making 4 generations of our family that have attended there.

I still attend the Church but rarely see any of my old classmates( assume they have moved away from the area whereas I still live in Hillsborough).

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Hi Tigerboy...Do you remember Mr Finnigan PT instructor who used to wield a mean size ten slipper and Mr Bourk who took history and made it so uninteresting that it put students of for life. Who was the teacher nun in the prefab classroom?. We must have been there at the same time. Send you my e mail if you want to get in touch

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I arrived at the Sacred Heart School in 1936 at age 5. Teachers then and up to WWII were Miss Walker, Miss Crossley, Miss Smith (Fanny) Miss Reed and headmaster Mr Slavin. The last a former Sheffield Wednesday player and later trainer. Half the school got evacuated to Melton Mowbray at the start of WWII in 1939. The church dates to 1936 and before that, mass was said at a building next to the school. We called it the club or clubhouse. Canon Dunford was parish priest and a right ill tempered fellow he was. He complained about the ha'pennies in the collection plate and he actually had a Star reporter come and take a picture of him throwing them down the front church steps in Forbes Rd. Mr Slavin had a son Hugh who died in the RAF bomber campaign over Germany in WWII. Miss Smith, a large and fierce lady was teaching at the beginning of the summer holiday in 1943 but did not return in the autumn. My elder brother said she had been seen pushing a baby in a pram. A terrible disgrace for a single lady in those days. The cane was used freely during my time at the Sacred Heart, even for such offenses as missing mass the previous Sunday. The toilets were a disgrace and never upgraded while I was there. The heating was ineffective and during winter we sat on our hands. The plaster in the ceiling used to fall but to my knowledge nobody was ever hurt from being underneath. Anybody else remember the Sacred Heart?

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