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Aunt Sally - Glossop road...it's going to the dogs


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i hear what you are saying but i go with the mrs and the kids so the 2-4-1 suits us fine. as the kids are still quite small, they tend to share a kids meal which isnt 2-4-1 and there is never any hassle in getting another plate.

if the meal you had was that bad, i think it would have been better to complain at the time.

anyway, good luck with the complaint - if you get your money back, you should be £6-7 better off.


can i recomend you try the dore moor inn next sunday - fantastic but not 2-4-1!!!


Ha ha, like it, you can get a better nights sleep knowing that I'm not moaning about £6-7 :hihi:, try more in the region of £25, 3 courses for us and very nearly 2 for my daughter, not about the money anyway, I aint a benefit scrounger who counts every last penny.

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Used to be amazing, pay £8 - £12 for 2 really nice meals, the staff have always been ignorant but they never get tipped by me so as far as I'm concerned they don't like me & I don't like them. But the food & service, well let's just say for the quality and price you'd be better off in mcdonalds these days :gag:


Ha ha if only you knew what some staff do to food of people they dont like! Some of things I have seen belong on Tv documentary shows!

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Are you having a laugh?


It went to the dogs about 5 years ago.


It had gone to the dogs before that!


I have been there three times and have never had a decent meal there. or decent service. staff were ignorant and were worse than "couldn't-give-a-monkeys"


first time I thought, "It would be easy to be caught on an odd off day". so I gave them another chance.


the second time it was also rubbish, but again I thought "cant be this bad,again, surely? got to be a fluke"


Third time I said "Ok, it IS as bad as this, Never setting foot in here again." (this was after asking staff to do something about the absolute garbage meals all three of us had been served, and getting an "...and...?" shrug, and nothing done)

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Oh and the bloody smash. Mashed potatoes should start with potatoes, not powder.



I used to work for the company (as recently as Dec '07) and the mashed potato is definitely not powder mixed with water!! Ok, chefs are not in at the crack of dawn peeling potatoes or anything but I always thought it was quite nice mashed potato!! :thumbsup:


Like I say I worked in a two for one pub until recently and my argument is mainly that so little budget is allocated for staff wages that we were always working with minimal, if not less, staff on shift which makes it extremely hard to "look after" customers as the company expects. I'm not excusing poor/ignorant service by any means, there is no excuse for ignorance no matter how over worked you are etc, just saying it's very difficult when you're trying to do about three people's jobs alone so the pub doesn't over spend on labour. :mad: (And since as far as I'm aware the percentage allocated for wages is the same in all the pubs I'm guessing the likes of Aunt Sally have a similar problem also).


The pubs do get busy because it is very good value for money (if you're not expecting home cooked food etc!) so waits on tables/food is the norm, (in most pubs at the weekend to be fair!) but it's surprising how many people don't realise this. There's only so many tables and so much space in the kitchen, when you have people queuing out of the door it's impossible to serve people within 5 minutes really.


This is just my experience with/opinion of the company, I have never worked at Aunt Sallys so cannot comment from that point of view.. so maybe I should just shut up now!! :hihi::hihi:

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Going back a few years, (1995) i used to work on the door there, when it had just reopened after the big refurb.


There was a French manager, Didier, nice guy. I Used to work Friday and Saturday nights.


I was only young at the time, but it seemed a decent enough place.


Went in a few months back and was greeted with the 60 minute estimate time for food :loopy:, we went elsewhere.

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There's usually a simple way of avoiding these places.


Most often, they'll have big signs outside shouting that they serve 'Two Meals For The Price Of One' or they're a 'Buy One Get One Free' outfit. Moreover, if such signage doesn't indicate what kind of establishment it it, there's usually an additional pointer by way of saying 'Families Welcome'.


Most sane folk would avoid them. These signs are there for good reason!


Seriously though (for tongue was, to an extent, firmly in cheek) I've had cracking meals at Aunt Sally and a couple of poor ones. The place blows hot and cold. The best meals I've had have been when I've been there first thing: Get early, get fed and get out before the cattle arrive....

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Nothing to do with my name but I really like Aunt Sally's. When my little niece comes to visit we usually go for a walk in the Botanical Gardens and then stop for lunch there with her.


The food is pub grub but is at the top end of pub grub.


I haven't had any bad experiences and have always found the staff quite pleasant and the sevice decent.

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I think the 2 for one idea can be taken further for places like these...


2 for 1=half priced meal


  • = half as good food as you would get elsewhere:gag:
  • =twice the waiting times as half the staff are employed as in other pubs


wetherspoons is another example of people paying next to nowt and then complaining.

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Some friends of mine were refused a third bottle of wine.


The member of staff ('member' being an apt title) said that as they had had two bottles and were with their children (aged 9 and 11 or thereabout) they would not be allowed another bottle.


Sounds like Aunt Sally in name and deed.

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