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Aunt Sally - Glossop road...it's going to the dogs


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lets be fair here, you went for a meal on sunday afternoon/evening and had to wait 45mins. thats not bad.

we go to aunt sally's quite a lot and the staff are always friendly & polite. on the odd occasion we have had a meal not quite right, its been replaced without fuss.

oh, its also flippin' good VFM.


As this thread has be resurected i'll add my 2 penneth..........

We still eat there and its still fine.

If you want 'fine foods' go somewhere that charges £20+ for a main course.

Lets be fair here, you cant knock (usually, im my experience) 2 main meals for £7-8.

Its cheap, cheerfull and doesnt pretent to be owt else.


And no, I dont work there.

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Awful. Last time we went we ended up leaving with no food as the staff constantly lied to us, telling us our order was next out every time we asked! After about an hour and 15 mins a manager came over and told us our order had been lost and would we like to re order our food! No we wouldn't! What I can't understand is the lack of communication between kitchen and waiting staff, they obviously hadn't even asked about our order! Disgusting service, won't be going back.

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went i went to uni i used to go there..my first ever place on our lunch break if i remember right lol.


Students these days i think have got worse in terms of wreckage and drinkage. I never ever ever used to be that bad! its shocking!

Maybe its bowed down to their standards :s

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