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Meeting Gene Vincent

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In the late fifties i was a member of a club run by The Star and i entered and won a competition to meet Gene Vincent and Eddy Cochrane at I believe the Cinema house {or Gaumont} during their tour of England just before Eddy was tragically killed.

Being a bit naive in those days i didn't take any photos or any memories of the occasion

I wrote to the Star but they couldn't even find any evidence of the club [i forgot the name]

I went to Sheffield Archives to look it up but couldn't find any mention of it. I am sure i didn't dream the whole thing up so did anyone else go to it and if so have they got any pics or newspaper cuttings



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Gene Vincent appeared at the Gaumont with Eddie Cochran in 1960. On the same bill was a British star by the name of Vince Eager. On this page from Vince Eagers web site is a small pic taken at the Gaumont in 1960:- http://www.vinceeager.co.uk/early.htm

Gene Vincent appeared again in Sheffield in 1963 at the City Hall on the same bill as Brenda Lee and I was fortunate to meet them both backstage and still to this day have their autographs in my collection.

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yes you are quite right about eddie& gene,

i was too young but my older brother & his girlfriend went to that show & to this day i just wish that i had been old enough(& had enough money to have been there as well)


they don`t mek`um like that anymoor

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yes i remember buddy holly coming to city hall.

i went to city grammar school which overlooked the stage door at city hall & remember watching him & crickets arriving whilst we were sat doing lessons (or at least the teacher thought we were doing lessons)

also saw platters & others arriving but never had money to go & see them ! !

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  • 4 months later...
I went to see Buddy Holly and the Crickets at the City Hall 1957 i think. but did not save the programme.


If you search the forum you'll find a thread about the Buddy Holly Concert (complete with a national British tour program, dates and all) as well as a thread about the Platters' tour. It will probably be quicker if you check out the threads pertaining to these artists that were started under my screen name. Good luck!

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Thank goodness you didn't win that prize Sput, otherwise poor old Gene would have left Sheffield in just his socks, I don't know how you can sleep at night, ha ha.


Hi Skip, how're you doin'?


Ah yes, I WAS the boy who stole the Platter's shoe all those many moons ago. It's for sure that offense will probably be responsible for keeping me out of heaven.


And yes, I did meet Buddy Holly and spoke to him briefly, circa 1958. I also had a lengthy conversation with Freddie Cannon and Conway Twitty (anyone remember them?) outside the City Hall. We actually sat on the steps and talked for an hour or so. Slim Whitman evidently didn't want too much to do with anyone but his peddle-steel player was quite friendly and stopped for a chat. Pat Boone was fairly amicable and he and my sister Glen - haven't seen her on the forum in ages - walked arm in arm to the Grand Hotel. Couldn't get close to the Everly Brothers who boarded a waiting tour bus and took off immediately upon leaving the concert venue. They (the Everlys) were touring at the time with two former Buddy Holly's Crickets ...Sonny Curtis and (I think) Joe Mauldin. Jimmy Jones (Good Timing, Handyman) was very nice and very willing to give of himself to the fans. I wasn't really a fan but I was there anyway.


Hmmm ...who else . . .?

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