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Pikelets or crumpets.

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The fat ones are crumpets!!! Sake.


Piklets: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_mE0qQi6Datw/SCzgdlKU_RI/AAAAAAAAANc/1zt9hFbR_Oc/s400/pikelets%2Band%2Bcurd.jpg


Crumpet: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_JJ0HA0BHaN4/SSmqOiujRzI/AAAAAAAAB08/-Z-P07lHfT4/s400/crumpet.jpg


My girlfriend is the same as you, calls crumpets piklets. Look at the packet, it clearly says, crumpet, or piklet. Educate yourself!


Please don't pass your misinformation onto the next generation.


True Sheffields call the fat ones crumpets, inbreds call them piklets.

Edited by Forumosaurus
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The fat ones are crumpets!!! Sake.


Piklets: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_mE0qQi6Datw/SCzgdlKU_RI/AAAAAAAAANc/1zt9hFbR_Oc/s400/pikelets%2Band%2Bcurd.jpg


Crumpet: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_JJ0HA0BHaN4/SSmqOiujRzI/AAAAAAAAB08/-Z-P07lHfT4/s400/crumpet.jpg


My girlfriend is the same as you, calls crumpets piklets. Look at the packet, it clearly says, crumpet, or piklet. Educate yourself!


Please don't pass your misinformation onto the next generation.


Will nobody think of the children???? :hihi::hihi:


I am when I say it's pikelets and not crumpets, generations yet unborn will learn that it's PIKLETS and that our generation sacrificed much [admittedly mostly the crumpet heretics were the ones sacrificed] so that they could eat their pikelets in peace.

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Lets be honest, pikelets are round, about 75mm in diameter, full of small holes and when toasted and covered in lurpack are a delight to eat. on the other hand, crumpet is what you used to chase on a saturday night at the locarno, these were lovely things, depending on how much you had drink, dancing aroud handbags until you got there.

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Contrary to popular belief, pikelets and crumpets are not the same thing.


Pikelets are exactly the same as crumpets, in size, texture and taste but are more flat, as if they haven't risen.


I'm sure Asda sell both.




Pikelets are the flat thin things and usually say pikelets on the packet and crumpets are smaller and deeper and also say crumpets on the packet.;)

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry I know this starting a old post up again but can somebody please help me out here, I want to make some Pikelets and found a few recipes but its the same ingredients for scotch pancakes, Does anybody have a good recipe for Pikelets please? all this crumpet/pikelet/scotch pancake/oat cake is so confusing :confused: Also can they be stored and reheated ? or even frozen like pancakes? Many thanks in advance H:hihi:

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Hi mym8scallmeh! Crumpets are pikelets that live south of Watford, and are nothing like Scotch pancakes which are soft, sweet and often have currants in 'em. Oatcakes are a bit like pikelets as they have holes but are bigger, thinner and, well, oaty. Scottish oatcakes (or rough oatcakes) are small and hard.


But as you found, some misguided people confuse Scottish pancakes with pikelets - see here for example.. Forget this - here's a recipe for pikelets, alias crumpets. You should have no trouble storing and re-heating them..:)

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My partner has just come home after collecting some pikelets which he denies are real.

A pikelet to me, as a real Sheffield lass, is a round bread like thing with lots of holey bits in the top, should be toasted with butter, cheese, jam or whatever melted on top, generally in abundance. Not the big round flat things with holes in which go all floppy at the first sign of butter. This, to me, is an inferior pikelet.

Now as he isn't from Sheffield he says they are crumpets. :rant:

I've have a vast amount of recent conversations with people from Sheffield who agree with me, in Sheffield, these delicacies are PIKELETS. I don't mean what it says on the pack, I'm not interested in the techinical terms, are these items pikelets to Sheffielders or not.

Please help me settle this argument cos it's doing my NUT. :loopy:


P.s aware there has been similar thread in past but it seems inconclusive to me.


pikelets rock

crumpets suck


crumpets have a lovely pikelety outer layer but then gross doughy middle


but I am not a sheffielder!

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