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Full Detox

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Today its time for a full body detox to get rid of all those nasty bacteria,s my body is holding and cleans the blood.

I live on apples and water for 24 hours and nothin else.

Makes you feel a lot better for it and when your body is fully detoxed you gain an energy surge.

The down side to the detoxication is you can come out in a few spots but thats normal but don't always happen.

Anybody else on this forum detox there bodies.

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No sure about.

Pears i doubt as there rather sweet and the rule is you take nothing with sugar or E numbers or anything else which is why apples and water do the trick.

Don't confuse it with a diet, its not for weight loss although you will loose a couple of pound, its to rid your body of toxins.

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There's a lot talked about diets and detoxing.But I swear by a balanced diet which includes Marks & Spencers Eccles Cakes,

Heinz Sausage and Beans in a tin,Safeway Cornish Icecream,Fish Chips and Mushy peas (no salt),as many pints of Stones's bitter as you can drink to flush out vegi-toxins.To help you relax a couple of untipped Park Drive don't go amiss.Avoid Health Clubs

(a well-known source of verrucas and fungal infections).

Might not work for everyone but I have never had a day's illness in my life ...although I have had a fortnight and month off with breathing problems..but nobody's perfect.

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