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Supermarkets make billions of pounds profit while paying staff minimal wages...

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I am a qualified craftsman this is not a moan on my own behalf.I care about other people beyond myself.

im sure you are stew, and i care about other people too, but what is stopping them going out and becoming qualified?


if the supermarkets lost this easily accessable pool of people they would soon be forced to up the wages to entice staff.

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im sure you are stew, and i care about other people too, but what is stopping them going out and becoming qualified?


if the supermarkets lost this easily accessable pool of people they would soon be forced to up the wages to entice staff.


Um, perhaps the fact that they are at work earning money and not free to go to college? :huh: Heh, and as soon as the Government tries to recognise work based learning we get all the snobs up in arms and getting sniffy about "Burger flipping degrees". The checkout staff are therefore doomed.


Makes me sick as hell that you and me are subsidising Dame Shirley Porter and her mates through our taxes so they can get away with employing staff on poverty wages and know it's all topped up with Tax Credits.


That's what everyone should be annoyed about, NOT about people claiming JSA, those benefits subsidise nobody but the poor. We should be annoyed that the only way millions of British working people can afford to live is because WE pay to subsidise the wages their greedy employers should be damn well paying.


Think about it - your taxes are going towards funding Richard Branson's next private Caribbean island...

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Supermarkets (or any other business) are allowed to pay only minimum wage to their staff because that's what the law states. As long as there is still competition for the jobs then that is what they'll continue to pay.


Whether it is morally wrong to pocket obscenely high profits at the same time as paying your staff only minimum wage is another matter, but they are entirely legal in their actions.


EDIT- when (or should that be if) the supermarkets find that people aren't prepared to work for them for the wage they are offering, then they will have no choice but to start raising the pay offered. I don't think that will ever happen though.

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What some people don't seem to appreciate is that the wage paid for a 'skill' is basic min wage plus x percent for the skill depending on the employer's valuation of that skill to the business.


It follows that if the basic min wage were higher then 'skill' wages would have to follow suit, but sadly the dog in manger attitude seems to prevail.


As as I've said many times before, the govt. tacitly acknowledge that the min basic wage is not a living wage which is why they feel the need to support min wage earners with working and child tax credits.


In effect you skilled workers are paying tax on your earnings which the govt. redistribute to the badly paid unskilled workers, while at the same time subsidising the cost base of supermarkets etc.


If you're happy with that, and the sand in your eyes, good luck to you :hihi:

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The problem is that people think that the minimum wage is the minimum amount that people are worth when there are in fact some people who aren't even worth that amount. For that reason there are people of varying abilities earning the same amount because employers aren't allowed to pay them any less.

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