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Supermarkets make billions of pounds profit while paying staff minimal wages...

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Yeah, and that's the other foul aspect of all of this...it makes your mortgage expenses or rent even more costly. They get their dividends and bonuses and they have to invest the money in something other than Columbian marching powder so they buy property!


Big portfolios of houses bought up and then rented out for even MORE profit, while you and me struggle (literally, in the case of soul-destroying sealed bidding) to find the wherewithall to buy a scarce example of a terraced house for an ever-inflating price.


Those of us who cannot afford to buy a home have to rent, including all the people on Housing Benefit who cannot get a council house, and who does this rent go to? You guessed it...

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Yeah, and that's the other foul aspect of all of this...it makes your mortgage expenses or rent even more costly. They get their dividends and bonuses and they have to invest the money in something other than Columbian marching powder so they buy property!


Big portfolios of houses bought up and then rented out for even MORE profit, while you and me struggle (literally, in the case of soul-destroying sealed bidding) to find the wherewithall to buy a scarce example of a terraced house for an ever-inflating price.


Those of us who cannot afford to buy a home have to rent, including all the people on Housing Benefit who cannot get a council house, and who does this rent go to? You guessed it...


Sorry, but i wasnt going to comment, but you are increasingly coming across as jealous of the "haves".

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You shouldn't let that influence your opinions though. Yes, some of them are overpaid but paying them less would make little difference to the economy as a whole.


As far as I'm concerned, if they pay their staff decent wages and do not force hard working people to come cap in hand to the Government (and hence to me and you) to subsidise those wages then they can have all the profit they want*. But so long as I'm subsidising staff wages that they ought to be paying, I'll remain furious about it.


*Though if they start exploiting the planet too much I will also cry foul! ;)

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Sorry, but i wasnt going to comment, but you are increasingly coming across as jealous of the "haves".


Of course I'm jealous. Who wouldn't be jealous of people who are applauded for doing all that is exploitative in this world?


Why is it such a bad thing to be furious at being taken for a ride by the rich? What do they want next? Me to go "Ooooh, well done you, would you like me to wipe your feet in my tears?" Errr, no, they can buzz off frankly. I aint kissing no Gucci clad butt. ;)

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Sorry, but i wasnt going to comment, but you are increasingly coming across as jealous of the "haves".


There is nothing stopping anyone becoming one of the "haves" if they realy want to, and are prepared to work for it.

People don't become rich by sitting on their arses moaning about how hard done by they are.

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Which? the comments about house pricing + landlords?


I've been priced out of buying several times by landlords buying up to rent.


Captains of industry don't become slum landlords.


What do they do with their mega money?


They pay taxes on them, they invest in shares, helping to finance wealth creating companies, they buy gilts helping to finance Govt borrowing, they buy property for residence. At every stage on every purchase HM Treasury benefits significantly.

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Captains of industry don't become slum landlords....



My comments were aimed at Darbees comment 'rubbish' which I believe was aimed at Mathon's comments about another example of rich getting richer at the expense of others... namely the buy-to-let market.

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As far as I'm concerned, if they pay their staff decent wages and do not force hard working people to come cap in hand to the Government (and hence to me and you) to subsidise those wages then they can have all the profit they want*. But so long as I'm subsidising staff wages that they ought to be paying, I'll remain furious about it.


*Though if they start exploiting the planet too much I will also cry foul! ;)

Here's an example. A person finds a product that people want and he buys it for £5 and sells it for £10 making £1 clear profit for himself, he sells 10,000 in his first year. The customers are happy to pay that price and he sells more and more of them. The more he sells the more staff he needs to handle this product and people are prepared to work for the minimum wage to do this work. Meantime he still makes his £1 clear profit on each item but now sells a million a year. Out of the other £4 profit he is paying several people to do the work and he is also paying a higher percentage tax on his £1m income. He spends what is left of that million pounds on items which generate work for other people who also pay VAT and tax and he also decides to buy some property which he rents out and pays tax on that income too.


What is wrong with that, at what stage should he have reduced his £1 profit per item if the customers still pay and why should he be so philanthropic anyway? If he is making too much someone else will come along and compete. It's just business and everyone has the opportunity if they are prepared to put the work in, if they aren't they shouldn't grumble that those who do are better off.

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