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Searching for a good Sheffield body piercer

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Kinda confused about what the question is in this thread now, but if i was going to give any advice on where to go i would reccomend feline. she did both of my nipple piercings and my boyfriends nipple and eyebrow (although tht grew out) and we have not had any problems there.X

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I'd highly recommend Feline at Hunters Bar too.


They're really clean and professional and are very helpful.


I had my belly button pierced there 10 years ago and its been 100% fine until last month when I made the mistake of putting some cheap jewellery in and it swelled up really badly.


First I went to the NHS walk in Centre and they said it would have to come out and stay out.. totally disapproving and condescending... they made me feel like a child and I'm 32!!


I decided not to take their advice and on the way home I called in to Feline (should have gone there in the first place!). The lovely lady who did the piercing in the first place told me why it had got infected, replaced the dodgy jewellery for a nice new sterile BCR ring, told me how to clean it properly and hey presto it was better in a couple of days.


I was over the moon. I was soo scared I'd have to let it close up or something...


My ex-boyfriend had a really good tattoo done there too.

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i've recently had my tongue pierced and was a little worried about its position on the underside of my tongue.the bottom ball sits to the right of my frenum i think thats what its called (the webbing on the tongue) and i always thought it went in front of it.i have been told that it has to be there because my tongue is too short and the webbing takes up most of the length of the tounge (freakish sounding i know) its a little irritating underneath because of the swelling ,but other than that im happy with it.has anyone else had there tongue pierced this way??(the bonus of having ya tongue done is all the haagen daz ice cream and mc donalds milkshakes you can eat to help take the swelling down!):thumbsup:

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Originally posted by cammy2

i've recently had my tongue pierced and was a little worried about its position on the underside of my tongue.the bottom ball sits to the right of my frenum i think thats what its called (the webbing on the tongue) and i always thought it went in front of it.i have been told that it has to be there because my tongue is too short and the webbing takes up most of the length of the tounge (freakish sounding i know) its a little irritating underneath because of the swelling ,but other than that im happy with it.has anyone else had there tongue pierced this way??(the bonus of having ya tongue done is all the haagen daz ice cream and mc donalds milkshakes you can eat to help take the swelling down!):thumbsup:


I've got my tongue pierced... i had to have mine off centred due to the webby thing... i've had no problems at all... other than the first week of being a tad sore... I use Bonjella if it gets too sore... its good stuff :)


Yep loads of Ice cream and Ice... mm mm worth having it done just for that :)


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Originally posted by fhardy

piercings never seen the logic behind it, stabbing yourself in order to put some jewellery in. can anyone tell ok, ears ok but why the hell do people have, you know sensitive parts of they bodies pierced?


Er... why are ears okay? Just because everyone has them they don't look too out of place?


I'm always amused at the way people seperate ear (lobes) piercings from any others as though they're a completely different thing :loopy:

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