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Base Green history?


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Yes, I recall the pond but, we were always told to stay away from it! As kids we once walked down Birley Lane into the fields to play, we were visiting relatives who lived at Birley, there was quite a few of us, we started out at the pond but, as kids do we drifted further down the field. I can't recall all the events but, some of us had strayed over the stile into the field further towards Ridgeway and there was a chap sketching in the field and a couple of the kids followed him as he said he had a tree house. I felt uncomfortable so I ran back to my relatives and told the adults who charged down the fields, my uncle jumped the stiles like a racehorse and I remember following him and collecting all the money which had fallen out of his pockets as he jumped. The outcome was that this chap had most of the estate after him with the help of several policemen, he was taken to the farmhouse and then to the police station. I remember seeing a sea of people all crowded round the farm house wanting to get at him. After that, we were very restricted as to how far we went into those fields. I suspect it was all so innocent, the chap probably was just drawing but, in those days it was so rare for children to be approached by strangers.

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That's right, it was just fields. There was an existing farm on Thornbridge Road, Birley and everything around it was fields.


As children we used to walk with our families through Birley onto White Lane, through the fileds via stiles and on to Ridgeway and Ford calling at pubs along the way. We would go all the way down to The Bridge pub in Ford then start the return journey when it was dusk.

With the exception of a couple of farm houses and the Phoenix pub on the road down to Ridgeway it was just open fields.


I still do that walk,very often.Sometimes coming back by way of Robins Brook.

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I used to go to the Azena dancing, never saw the Beatles there though.

Before it was built the fair was held on the same field.


From what I can remember the Azena was built on what we called Fidlers field and then we would walk through to Robin's Brook so Mr Fidler probably called the Dance Hall after his wife.

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I used to go to the Azena dancing, never saw the Beatles there though.

Before it was built the fair was held on the same field.


From what I can remember the Azena was built on what we called Fidlers field and then we would walk through to Robin's Brook so Mr Fidler probably called the Dance Hall after his wife.


I always thought it was named after their daughter.I think the Beatles were there before they were famous.

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Most people on the estate paid their rates to Derbyshire council in Chesterfield when they were first built.Also the street lights were White on one side and yellow on the other side of Seagrave crescent.I think that was the boundary between Sheffield & Derbyshire then.


Wasn't part of the boundary between Yorkshire and Derbyshire the Shire Brook which goes through Jaunty Park?

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