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Does anyone remember "I love Janice"?


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As I was driving under the bridge on the M18S to M1N connection road today, the sun was at the right level to highlight the remains of the graffiti "I love Janice".


I'd completely forgotten about this. It must have appeared in the mid 80's and if memory serves, was even touched up at least once before being removed several years later.


Does anyone know the history of this memorable, romantic and audacious piece of graffiti?

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Hey! That takes me back to the nineties! I always looked forward to seeing the "I love Janice" as it told me I was near home. Don't know if "Janice" was ever touched up, but didn't it say "I love Pete" as well?


And on the same subject of bridge grafitti, I remember seeing one in South Wales some time back. The original bit by some nationalists said "Free Wales". Under it someone else had written "With every five gallons".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too remember the 'I love Janice' bridge as we used to call it. I was driving back from Hull the other day and was reminiscing about the graffiti which seemed to disappear a few years ago now. A pity because it used to cheer up the kids as they knew we were almost back home!

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