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PeterW is still with us!!!

Round House

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To all his friends……

PeterW (Peter Wright), is alive and well!! (and as truculent as ever).

He has been off the forum, because following an illness, he had to go into a care home – where he cannot get a computer connection.

However Peter would love to hear from old friends on the forum.

He can be written to at:

*Available Via PM*

He also has a phone line at the home: *Available Via PM* and says he would be delighted to hear from people. He would particularly like to hear from his brother Philip Wright, with whom he lost touch. Philip is believed still in the Sheffield area and may even be active on the Sheffield Forum, although his username not known.

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To all his friends……

PeterW (Peter Wright), is alive and well!! (and as truculent as ever).

He has been off the forum, because following an illness, he had to go into a care home – where he cannot get a computer connection.

However Peter would love to hear from old friends on the forum.

He can be written to at:

*Available Via PM*

He also has a phone line at the home: *available by PM* and says he would be delighted to hear from people. He would particularly like to hear from his brother Philip Wright, with whom he lost touch. Philip is believed still in the Sheffield area and may even be active on the Sheffield Forum, although his username not known.


oh, that is such a relief, and such great news. :clap: :clap:


I will drop him a line asap.

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:clap: Brilliant news Hi Peterw (even though you can't see it) time that care home went wireless for you!


I may compose a letter this evening as I loved his posts.


I've just this minute dashed a letter off to him, myself, fox. I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear he's ok, (if 'net-less)

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I've printed off some of the threads about Peter and posted them to him, just so the old bugger can see how much he is being missed! Despite having a phone line in his nursing home, BT say they can't fix up the internet without some outrageous fee. Don't you just love em! Anyone know a web savvy BT engineer in the Manchester area???

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